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Everything posted by rickyspringer

  1. i like beta also,if you have freezer space go with raw food though.
  2. I honestly think you pay for quality, i read a artice in The Country Mans Weekly a few weeks ago and that was all about housing our dogs, found it very interesting. The key points which were raised was for cosmetic reasons people prefer the timber with the galvanised runs, "not so much of an eye sore" and with a bit of treating every now and then they can last forever, the writer of the article have had theres for 20 years and the believe it will out last them!! My point being pay the extra money and it will pay dividends as it will last a fair amount of years.
  3. I use 211.5 but i shouldn't matter, make sure you stock up on them, I always have 2 or 3 knocking about, nothing worse then when you lose a whistle. Good Luck mate, what colour is she?? You will have to get some images up.
  4. I knew it was down to genetics, it really does show how difficult it is to predict, obviously its a different story with the cockers as there is so many colours in them, the felstead site is a cracker. Thanks for that, Regards RS "Edited" I have now done some research and it really varies on litters, most of them being a real mixture, its not very often a colour is dominant in a mixed colour breeding.
  5. Hi all, This may sound a little silly, but i want to know the probable outcomes when you put a LW to BW, I have seen alot of differences when I have viewed a litter, mixed, the odd liver and then litters which have been dominated by the black gene. I don't want any silly comments just want to know that bit more insight into it.. I understand it can change litter from litter, but I want to know the most likely outcome. Look forward to the replies, haha don't be slating me though!! Regards RS
  6. get a working bred cocker mate, they are like stink and cracking dogs, what type of work dya do?? except terrier work??
  7. completely disagree, why would you do anythig where there is a chance to hurt the dog,ther is much simpler techniques, personally I would use a slip lead, ensure it is on the correct way, raise the lead right up to behind the dogs ears, and walk with the dog on my left hand side, walk round in small circles or a figure of eight in a wide open space, praise the dog when walking correctly, should soon cotton on and then gradually make the excercise more difficult. with the running away, you should really enforce the recall, you need to be of greater importance and more exciting then the
  8. I know for a fact that alot of the proffesional dogs are used just as triallers,alot do not participate in a basic shooting day, I know Nic "drummuir" does, but I am sure she will vouch that alot of the dogs just do trialling. I think its a huge shame but thats the way it is, hopefully she will comment on the subject! regards RS
  9. will £250 buy it and whre in cheshire are you??
  10. personally I am with welshboy, I am not saying trialling dogs aren't as good as keeper bred, they are, i just beg to parden some of the lines which have been bred for trialling, you can fault me if i am wrong but i genuinely know that professional triallers with there own line tweak what they need for a trialing. My bitch is from keeper stock, but a few generations back its filled with the Ftch's and so on. This is ideal for me, I know that my bitch isn't to hot to handle, she has a great foundation and the great qualities will be passed on, breeding in my eyes has alot to do with how a
  11. Hi all, thought i would raise this interesting subject, what do you prefer and explain why you prefer it. For me I would always go with a nice Gamekeeper strain, they always have the FTCH's foundation but I think the dogs can go for longer and harder. For me a trial is a sprint and a full day out in the field is marathon. Lets hear your opinions RS
  12. cracking tip,thanks for sharing mate, he has had some good dogs adrian hasn't he, i have always liked kipperige jasper!!
  13. I have got my dog on BARF and this complemented with skinners on the odd occasion, she has 2 to 3 walks a day, never allowing free reign, "you give a spaniel an inch they will take a mile" we are constantly enjoying our walks and excercise but at the same time she is being refreshed constantly, not a massive retriever, so don't practice to much,don't want to spoil her. She is a pet as well as a working dog, children love her and she loves them,doesn't have any toys,they are used for excercises and so on.
  14. enjoy the pup, leave the stop whistle alone, save that for more adavnced work, that is not basic training in my eyes, recall whistle is okay, use when calling dog for dinner and so on, Leave Stop Whistle For NOW!! Good Luck, have fun RS
  15. both look spot on, how much has that cost you to build, very fair price on your original set up, someone could grab a bargain on them!!
  16. she's stunning mate, just take your time, doa lot of controlled play, you don't wat to seem pushy, you want the younger to be your best pal, with the sit on the lead, hover your palm above her and she should sit naturally as she does say the command and lots of praise, also with down use usaully put some cheese or ham in my hand when in the garden or house, rest it flat on the floor with my palm on top of it, dog should come down "lie down" to the level, same scenario again, command lots of praise release the tit bit. remember act as if this dog is a real pup again, back to basics and so o
  17. well done pip, great story ad its good to hear that the dog is getting there mate, keep s informed on how she gets on.
  18. I have always had mine on beta puppy and never had a problem, Barf is great also, I have only heard good things about James Wellbeloved but i don't like the price of it to be honest, There is many good foods out there, its what suits really and what the dog does well on, i try to steer of real commercial foods ie bakers and the like, I think its full of additives and so on. Good Luck mate and hopefully you will get some better information with whatfood to go with. Regards Rs PS. Bones and Raw food will definitely be the best out there, just get the balance right and so on.
  19. well done mate, must be prod of yourself and him... cracking looking dog and it sounds like he's got cracking attributes.. well done mate regards rs
  20. hows the bitch in question getting on??? fantastic news truly amazing!!
  21. Whos is the BW springer heavily marked??? Stunning looking dog, is it a dog or bitch... anyways great images, I know the post is old but having an lil nose through...how's the pup coming on mate?? Hopfully they are all doing well, and raring for the season... ignore that complet T**t, some soft cu**'s on here isn't there, great post mate... If that BW is a dog get intouch... Regards RS
  22. Skycat, fair play to you mate, very imformative read and very useful... Would help anyone out whi is new to owning a bitch!! Wish someone would of told me that whe I was staring out..
  23. yeah mate, can text you a pic and so on...
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