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Everything posted by rickyspringer

  1. erm I would be very careful with training collars, in novice hands they can be a really bad thing! Have you thought of going back to basics or have you already done that. The way you have explained it, it sounds like your dog is generally disobedient. For the chasing of game, I would introduce the stop whistle, make sure the dog is bomb proof with it. With the recall reinforce it and for ranging out of distance,simply let the dog go and then run in the opposite direction, no shouting or calling. You will hear the dog coming up the back of you. When the dog is close by or even passed you d
  2. thats a cracking image mate, looks great. I need a pup bad haha
  3. haha we cross posted, I have no edited it. Me being bloody dumb.... I though it was a comment to me apologise about jumping haha.
  4. She's a looker mate, sounds very versatile and a good dog!! Regards RS
  5. I don't no mate, I have PM'd him myself as I have a keeper after a dog but the distance is too far!
  6. made up for you mate, bet your over the moon!! So come on fill us in what lines are in him?? Good Luck with him mate, they are a wonderful dog!! Sighthound what a cracker you have got there, he looks very similar to my bitch. Regards RS
  7. thanks for the rely mate, didn't think I was getting one haha.Catch up with you soon mate
  8. Hi all recently acquired a new kennel and run, what materials do you use on the run?? Its currently wood but I am thinking about lining it with something, for easy cleaning reasons. Just getting thoughts on what you use. Look forward to your response RS
  9. cracking lines in these pups, cheweky wolf is a great sire!! What is the bitch doing mate, and what price you after?
  10. the best thing for you to do is google it, some great info on it mate. My own personal conclusion is that linebreeding is great if its done only when lining quality dogs, nothing too immediate in the pedigree a few generations back is the way I do it, be sure to have an outcross a few generations down the line also, something quality again to bring more diversity to the gene pool. Its a a complex thing but not to be misunderstood with in-breeding. my motto is if we can't do it then why should a dog. RS
  11. they say chocolate, is poisoness to dogs but high levels are or rich cocoa, many dog men give there dog a mars bar or the like for an energy boost, I know in field trials dogs are given a chocolate bar to give them the added energy. Quick and easy and not heavy on them. But I am with the rest of them,give the dog a feed a night before, and a splash of glucose in there water.
  12. Happy Birthday from me mate, Hope you have a good un and if you feel the old age kick in, I'l happily take that bitch off you in the avatar.haha Regards RS
  13. Love them, put off the name Land Rover since I had an awful Disco though. Looks the part,
  14. rickyspringer


    I agree, if you have a real good chat you know where you stand, you know the pup has been looked after and you know the dog is going to a good knowledgable home, I talk for too long about dogs and the missus really hates it, personally on my part, if the remaining pups have gone I always help out the prospective buyer and point them in the right direction, I hate the thought of someone lining puppy farmers pockets and so on. Anyways Good Luck with the search, hopefully he stumbles over something. Regards RS
  15. I am no expert with lurchers and have never owned one, but I am with the others, its the age of the dog, everyone goes through that terrible time when the dog hits adolescence, they become a complete tw**, just stay calm, consistent and you will get there mate, Its a nuisance when training is going well and then they hit the stage where you have gone a mile backwards! Explain your problem further mate, and there will be some better help on the whole. Regards RS
  16. tough one mate, if you've done that, you may have done too much, stop with the retreiving completely, no dummies,no balls,no rabbit. The more you do the more you will spoil, give it a few weeks then use a dead rabbit once, see how she goes with that make a huge fuss of the rabbit a lil' tease of it, then throw it out cast her off and see how she goes, don't talk to her until she has picked it up, recall and a big fuss if she completes the task. Take it slow mate, if she does it once leave it at that with a huge fuss, then do it again the week after.Good Luck hopefully it will work out, kee
  17. is the rabbit warm ie just killed or cold?? If Its just killed go back a step and practice with cold game, sit in a alley way or the like and throw a cold rabbit, loads of fuss be on the dogs level see how that goes... little steps and you will get there. don't over do the retrieves because the dog will get bored
  18. fair play to you, done a real good job on the little fella, good to hear someone is helping dogs out in need. RS
  19. Looks great mate, hopefully he isn't to hot for you with a pedigree like that, good lookig pup though and enjoy him and treasure him, it will pay dividends later, don't rush have fun. The kindest of Regards RS
  20. amazing news, nothing pleases me more than when a dog is reunited with its rightful owner, how many more are missing, hopefully they will be returned also and the ones who toom them get there balls chopped off. rs
  21. Thats what i do mate, what a release and a break a dog is, haha
  22. I paid £175 for her mate, had to go and pick her up in wales, they had 3, one chocolate and 2 black & white, all good strong pups fair price that mate, bet your over the moon aren't ya, good luck and remember patience is the key with training, and enjoy mate
  23. women for ya mate, can't find anything in my house.. haha. the bitch is a cracker mate, lovely looking,how much did ya give for her?? Good luck wit her mate.
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