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Everything posted by rickyspringer

  1. Look smart pups mate, good luck with them, Regards RS
  2. I prefer bitch's its only a few weeks through the year they are in season so I ca manage that. Very loyal..
  3. Met mine at School aged 11, always knew I was going to have her, been together for years now, 2 kids later,surely with more on the way, a dog - surely more of them too. Going strong and couldn't see myself with anyone else.
  4. I fancy having one of these myself, some of the images of the dogs o this thread are smart as Fu**
  5. I don't mess with nature, just let her have a season.
  6. she looks a cracker good luck with her and keep the images going as she grows!!! I love the pup with the full lver head. Well done, you have done a real good job. Ricky
  7. interesting subject, positive training methods are the key, aswell as not setting the dog up to fail. I will admit I have scruffed and to be honest I am ashamed of it,didn't get me anywhere and set me back a few months with training due to losing a bond with my bitch, heavy handed methods are no good.
  8. I think 5 generations and you have your own line, outcrossing doesn't mean you hve lost your line, 5 generations is enough in my eyes. I have really enjoyed reading through this thread and i look forwrd to more responses. RS
  9. anglesey is the place for me also, I live on the denbighshire/conwy border but my place is full of holiday makers, I want the quiet life up there. Anyone know of any landlords who need tenants for a 3 bed house!!! Good luck with the swap, I think your mad for wanting to leave!! Regards RS
  10. You have just mad me smile from ear to ear mate, I have been looking forward to seeing them images all weekend. Tell Connor well done and he looks like he's a great owner already!!! Top Lads with Top Dogs. Regards RS
  11. BlackPack is the man for me, he is so helpful, genuine and a top man, don't find many like him. Thanks p***y Poacher appreciated mate.
  12. What a belter, love the full liver head. Good Luck with her!!
  13. that shows that people are wanting to line there pockets, two dogs isn't something you would rush into and they aren't youngsters!! Hopefully someone genuine comes forward for you, as i can't imagine how hard it is for you to part with your beloved dogs. Good Luck mate.
  14. Also, I'd say go to the vet for wormers - some of the ones you buy in shops aren't all that effective and if the vet gives it to you you'll know you've got the dose right too. They usually have their first jab at 8 weeks old. The second one is one or two weeks after that, it depends on what brand of vaccine the vet uses. sound advice, I believe the pup needs worming by the image. Just feed him X amount and when he isn't interested in it after 10 mins pick it up. small amounts and very ofte is the key, make sure the pup is on good quality food aswell. Some package stuff out there is awf
  15. When selling these dogs at that price, please do not include the Kc papers, there is enough pupy peddlars/farmers out there, These dogs would be perfect for them with the full paperwork, alot of money to be made. Think about it mate, but I wouldn't be releasing the papers, Anyways I wish you Good Luck with the sale and I hope the dogs find a home what will do them justice!!
  16. absolute crackers, I have got to get myself one of them. Good images mate!!
  17. I have heard enough about dogs being stolen, its getting on my wick, whats up with people today taking peoples beloved dogs which alot of time and effort have gone into!!! When they get caught a proper job needs doing on the thieves!!! Lets take them somewhere out of the ordinary and make them fret!
  18. around £100 i think mate, I will make contact with the chap and see. N.Wales but it wouldn't take too long for you, If need be could pick it up and meet ya somewhere.
  19. I knew he was a messer, f*****g young lad pissing about!!! I haven't been on here for very long and I am fed up of these kids already. I am gutted for your lad, nothing worse than that mate, big high and no a low because of some messer!! If nothing goes to plan there is a dog near me 18 months old, liver and white,docked and all the business only cheap.
  20. I hate the dog pulls through and makes a good recovery, Good Luck and keep us posted
  21. I'm with above, haha you have real quality products,fairly priced and totally practical. Not like all the other money grabbers out there, keep it up john and I will hopefully have a double kennell off you i the future!! Kind Regards RS
  22. I have a cunning plan tho'. I'm doing the Lottery religiously every week and when I win........ Small house in the country, (small house cos I dont agree with wasting time on cleaning,and I dont want anyone doing my cleaning for me,dont get me wrong I do the cleaning,I just resent the time it takes.) acres of land and an annex for oohh at least half a dozen Springers. I think other halves understand only too well.Lucy that has just made me literally LOL!! That is exactly what I am hoping for, I would have a big house though to keep my missus busy!
  23. lucylocket can I marry you haha, very true what you say about springers they are addictive, wish I could have more but think I'm going to be restricted to 1 til my bitch has a litter!! Other halves just don't understand
  24. well if there is a prolem with her causing serious injury to herself or others I believe that is a good case for an e-collar. Really look into it and see if you ca have soem guidance on the matter, everything needs to be done in the right maner for correction!! They are supposedly a crazy dog, more hard going than a springer or cocker...So my thought are honestly with you. Look into mate, but from what you are saying drastic action could do with being taken, Regards RS
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