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Everything posted by rickyspringer

  1. shelleywarwick that springer is a cracking stamp, how old is she and what is she like?? Cracking markings to her Some of the X Span/terriers look great & i'm sure they are up to the job. RS
  2. Alright all, as above, took this motor in on a px, ideal family car or dogging motor, in dark blue, very tidy with Tax til the end of March & MOT til June, done around 125,000...runs spot on-very smooth and pulls nicely. needs the cv joints doing thats about it.On a S reg. Must be worth £675 ono
  3. nice tidy setup done a good job, well done mate
  4. no need to, spaniels hair dosn't need clipping mate, leave it how it is. otherwise you will spoil the coat of the dog! You can if you prefer but will get 10times more thicker, RS
  5. Hello all, anyone want some Mole catching had a lady call me yesterday with a problem with Moles, don't do that myself so said I will get someone to call her. If interested please PM & I will pass numbers on thanks.
  6. he is a dog dealer like alot of gundog kennels, but he has the best lines going on in his dogs so he will have a stud suitable for sure.
  7. are these kc reg, and also agree with paul, fee is high for a mix of 2 different strains if we are totally honest. I wouldn't touch show line stock, personally but glad she is doing a job for you,
  8. great story, & a good ending. You seem over the moon, and I am sure the dog is. Well done all in involved
  9. where are you, extremely interested hopefully my car will be sold by the weekend, what colour what mileage, & how is the bodywork?
  10. hope he does you proud mate, hopefully he follows his sire, you seem happy with him, what was the dam like?? Got a good head on him hasn't he
  11. I personally think a Border is a great ideal companio for yourself, I think they are a very well rounded terrier & blend well into the family. My brother has one & also has his son coming at the end of the month. Boundaries are the key when having children & dogs, lots of formal socialization, training around food & toys to stop possessiveness,and the main one is teaching the kids how to behave as they are worse than a pup or dog
  12. great response Hily, go back to basics mate, lots of obedience work & then progress to a dummy with a rabbit skin, gradually bring in a cold dead rabbit work on that, than work up to a freshly caught rabbit, & then obviously the really thing. No rushing and do the retrieves in a enclosed area, don't set up to fail you'll get there but with baby steps. Good Luck hope it works out mate.
  13. great response Hily, go back to basics mate, lots of obedience work & then progress to a dummy with a rabbit skin, gradually bring in a cold dead rabbit work on that, than work up to a freshly caught rabbit, & then obviously the really thing. No rushing and do the retrieves in a enclosed area, don't set up to fail you'll get there but with baby steps. Good Luck hope it works out mate.
  14. Hello Wullie, Erm what use will the dog be intended for. I would go for a Springer if you are after a spaniel, The lines you will see in 8 out of 10 pedigrees are Badgercourt & Rytex. You won't go far wrong with a Springer which is out of worker 2 worker, like any terrier or lurcher, your success rate will be much higher.I'd go for a pup out of hard hunting steady parents, which have got a healthy amount of Ftch's in the lines but nothing too excessive. If you take your time with the training you will have a decent dog on your hands. Hope thats more of a help pal, if you need
  15. very sucessful mooch Dave, Keep at it, thats a proper days sport.
  16. you'll need that when the baby comes mate, you could borrow it to your pal for a few weeks
  17. starting to sound like dominance pal, you need to show him its not acceptable. It could really get out of hand mate, I wouldn't go the heavy heavy approach though...ignore him, at first and if it persist I'd have a squirty water bottle & squirt him for the growling with a firm no, it sounds like he thinks he's boss.No dog should be growling at there owner on a regular basis. I definitely don't thik he is communicating as first thought
  18. 12mm fence hopper, look spot on don't they I'm in the process of getting a new motor so i'm delaying mine for a short while.
  19. I like the Black one, Good Luck with them
  20. perfect advice from eddie, when putting food down, blow the command you will use for recall. I must say though don't set the dog up to fail or learn to become whistle deaf, only blow the recall command when you know the dog will come back to it.
  21. housty is a good kennel isn't it, i'm like yourself pal, not bothered by paperwork its a piece of paper to me, doesn't make a dog does it. WELL DONE anyways
  22. nice images again jay, great day out by the look of the pictures, Well done! like the look of your old boy how old is he, what lines is he from??
  23. could be talking to you in a friendly way, my cousins dog does it, but could be mistaken for nastiness, only you can judge though mate,
  24. Haha fun times ahead now pal, yeah you have some usual suspects in there, Badgercourt & Rytex feature heavily in 8 out of 10 pedigrees nowadays, tawnyhill is a decent kennel aswell, well done on the purchase. RS
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