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Everything posted by manksie

  1. orpingtons, great birds (full size tho )
  2. Rhode island Reds are very friendly and also have very good eggs.
  3. yes that would be fine as they will snuggle up ang keep each other warm.
  4. i keep about 70 quail and i am incubating 30 eggs this year. last year i done 20 and 17 hatched so iyll try a few more this year! they have to be the easiest thing i have ever hatched! good luck, manksie
  5. i am also puzzled about this one. my hens are not laying nearley asmuch as they were, even a fortnight ago!
  6. i tie all the flys for my local tackle shop, i enjoy doing it but the pay is nothing special. a bit of a laibour of love.
  7. i agree, salmo trutter (brownie) and a nice enough fish at that
  8. We have plenty here, had 9 allready, teal blue and silver and a bloody butcher. killer!
  9. Lots of birds of prey make very high pitched screaming sounds, and especially as you are so close to water, ie, a river, it is probably hunting mice, rat, shrews etc. hope this helps...
  10. i am only 15 to and dont really know my way around the site yet, so u r not the only one so dont worry i was in a simmilar situation a couple of years ago when i got my first running dog. i had mine out with an olld feller i know. to start with he would not chase and that can be frustrating! but if this happens dont worry, take her out and let her get used to the feilds she will be working in the day time and meybe let her chase a few. then go out at night and hope that she shows a little bit of intrest! when she catches her first rabbit dont get all exited and run up to her (where i
  11. Just wondering which one is considered better to work a jill or a hob or is it a much of a muchness?
  12. Hi, Just wondering how old a ferret should be beffore you start to work it?
  13. Hi, i'm mew to ferreting and just wondering how old a ferret needs to be beffore it can be used for breeding purposes?
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