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Everything posted by graniteman

  1. Evening all,after a hard day in the garden today thought i would go for a stroll on the farm next door with my mates s410. Unfortunatly for him he had to go to some girly party Never mind cottswood there will be another time Befor i set off i took the gun down to the bottom of the garden to take a look in the field behind our house , sat on the top of the nearest tree was a jackdaw , but not for long One down and i hadnt even left yet !! My daughter asked if she could come with me tonight and as it was the weekend i said she could , She is nine years old and wanted to see me shooting . We
  2. Can anyone tell me how to make a game terrine ? Saw a picture in a magazine somwhere but alas no recipe !!
  3. Best way ive found is to wrap the rabbit in some foil and pop him in the embers .
  4. Hi all, On one of my permissions there has been a sudden upsurge in rabbits with mixy. There was no sign of it earlier in the year, now every time i go out i see at least a couple of them with it . Is it going to ruin a lovely shoot ? what if anything will stop it spreading ? If a doe is carrying young when she gives birth are the newborn rabbits infected ? I have been told that mixy is spread in the burrows and can lay dormant for twenty years, Any views/thoughts on this ?
  5. Sorry mate , looks like i said the wrong thing there !! Any way the tally is now three rats and a magpie , Result Them rats seem to love catfood and corn mixed ,gota go magpie in the garden
  6. Mate not a bad description of our nights shooting , But what about the flies ??? They were a pain in the arse, apart from the one you swallowed :sick: !!!!
  7. Thanks for the Quick responce , Are these rifles all good all rounders , we are looking to spend around the £800 mark for all the kit, Any more than that and the missus will be after me !! Thanks for the welcome to the Forum .
  8. HI all first post and looking for some advice ! My 12 year old son and i have recently moved back to the sticks ( RESULT !! ) and are enjoying some great shooting with my best mates s410. Problem is my Son is left handed and myself right , So any ideas for a rifle for us both to share , ideally a carbine as it would be easier for him to manage . Thanks Dave.
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