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Everything posted by tod

  1. thers a big free one on the bypass you lazy fecker.lol
  2. i had the same problem with one of my lurchers.i tried everything but it would always open back up no matter how long you left it and what you put on it.best thing i done was to get it cut off
  3. rudi crabs,you have got a stolen terrier in your kennel and your on here boasting about it.not saying you stole it but you might aswell have.and whats all this talk like your some kind a big hard man?i would pull your dungaries over your head and give you a few back handers you nuggit.i will have to get on to stan boardman to put afew posts on we all know how he loves the gerrrrrrrmans
  4. rudi schwab put a reply in and tell us all how you got jet.saying nothing on the subject makes you look a bigger nuggit than you look in that boiler suit .you must have spoke to mason by now so your storys will be straight so lets have it.the longer it goes on the worst its going to get and this topic aint going to disapear until the truth is known.
  5. come on rudi give the lad an answer
  6. if they wont give you an explanation they must be hiding something
  7. last not least! Wex ask G. & do me a favor and dont pm me again with your crybaby problems you ve got with others the lad only wants to know how you ended up with jet.why wont you tell him
  8. tod

    hare dog

    saluki bred dogs are the ultimate running dogs for hares no to ways about it.they have been tried and tested over time thats why most coursing lads have them.all this arguing about what cross is best is mad.if your happy with your chosen cross thats all that matters
  9. tod


    i prefer a good 3/4 greyhound 1/4 bull because they are a better all rounder than the halfx
  10. i have used both smoker and ferrets and think a good ferret is more reliable than a smoker.some days the rats wont bolt using a smoker and prefer to die in the hole .you get days days when the smoker works a treat and everything seems to bolt .overall the ferrets are more consistant for bolting rats.
  11. nice strong looking dog him.looks like he will have a bit of speed about him too.hes a credit to you
  12. i use old strimmer engine.do you ever get days when using the smoker that the rats wont bolt and then other days they bolt like mad.any ideas why?
  13. tod


    well u wrong there mate,ive had 36 emails off peole,asking for pups,as 4 money dont need it,we r ok, i think its u who knows fook all someone who wants or wanted to breed off a 16 month old dog is telling me i dont know fook all.your havin a feckin laugh arnt you.
  14. tod


    why is this lad in such a rush to breed a litter off this dog.imo he must just be after the money,so to me that makes him a feckin peddler or he just knows feck all .16 months old and seen loads of work dont make me laugh .theres not a mark on the dog and its as fat as a barrel.the people who buy the pups of him must be mugs cos i wouldnt have one for nothing.the dog might turn out to be a world beater in a few seasons time and if it does then breed off it.what if the dog jibbed and your greyhound was full of pups to him, who would want one,not many people only a nuggit would have one.
  15. tod


    i have never seen or heard of a dog that will kill by day but not on the lamp at the end of the day or night a fox is a fox.
  16. i now what your saying mate but to be honest i dont worry to much about a terriers working style.as long as the terrier can find anywere and stay till the job is done i am happy
  17. no wonder your still fumin .i think if they would have booted me dogs i would have lost the plot and would have ad it with the c**ts.i would take more offense of someone kicking my dogs than pointing a gun at me and i have had guns pointed at me.they sound like a pair of bullys mate and i bet if you bump into one of them without is gun he wont be to keen to kick your dog then.
  18. tod


    the beam is a lot brighter using an amber filter compared to the red.find it useful when your lamping big open ground.
  19. tod


    got a vixen on the lamp the other night and while it was being dealt with there was a dog fox squatting out in the field about 100 yards away and we got him aswell.seen a few pairs that that night and heard a lot of vocals out of them to.
  20. tod


    try and find one of those chicken mesh rabbit proof fences so she can see you on the other side. just leave her on the other side of the fence and walk or even jog away while shouting her to come.as long you know she is capable of jumping the fence just leave her until she does.because you have been lifting her over fences she will just take a bit longer to jump than most.once she jumps it a few times the penny will drop.
  21. thats some statement that chilli my dogs must not know there jobs what if the dog takes a bit of stick of the first two will this dog that knows his job be up for the next two?
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