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About timmatrix

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  1. Some of mine. http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx61/timmatrix/New%20Dogs/Jackson19months2.jpg http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx61/timmatrix/New%20Dogs/Jackson20months.jpg http://i742.photobucket.com/albums/xx61/timmatrix/New%20Dogs/MAGGIE.jpg
  2. Could be demodex mites. Very common in some breeds like whippets, greyhounds and staffs. You might also notice the hair around the eyes thinning. For ADVOCATE to work on demodex it has to be used weekly (not monthly as per normal), can become expensive. A lot of greyhound breeders use DORAMECTIN (normally for pigs and sheep). Injected weekly just under the skin it will soon clear up demodex. Dose for terrier would only be (.3ml). This will also control round worms and fleas. You'll pick up a 50ml bottle for 30 quid, works out a lot cheaper than ADVOCATE!
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