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Everything posted by landl10

  1. this is my post from 2 week ago im in vic Hi, Yesterday I took the dogs and ferrets out to give the dogs a quick chase, found a 4 holer, put 1 ferret down dogs chased 2 rabbits and then I heard some noises and the ferret came out backwards dragging out a 4 ft brown snake...So I quickly got the dogs on the leads and then stood back and waited. The ferret then started fighting with the snake, I was shocked that the ferret didn't get bitten and after a few minutes the snake went back down the hole. One luck ferret...and silly me for taking him out in the summer...
  2. Hi that was me and it scared the s h it out of me. i have never had to dig for my ferrets 95% of the time they come out when i call them if not i just wait and that is not often and i have never seen a wild ferret here i think it may have some thing to do with the hot weather it get up over 40 degrees and ferret dont like the heat much.
  3. Hi, Yesterday I took the dogs and ferrets out to give the dogs a quick chase, found a 4 holer, put 1 ferret down dogs chased 2 rabbits and then I heard some noises and the ferret came out backwards dragging out a 4 ft brown snake...So I quickly got the dogs on the leads and then stood back and waited. The ferret then started fighting with the snake, I was shocked that the ferret didn't get bitten and after a few minutes the snake went back down the hole. One luck ferret...and silly me for taking him out in the summer...
  4. landl10

    need help!

    Hi I'm from Australia, I'm looking for a long net about 50 yards can't seem to find them anywhere, just wondering if anyone has any for sale. willing to pay postage for the right price. cheers Luke
  5. if it is pre ban why are the faces blacked out we dont have that problem in aust we can hunt them any time with dog
  6. We have big rabbits here is Aus... about 2 ft tall They hit the under the car
  7. hi all i have been out spot lighting 2 times last week with my 11 mouth old whippet and both times he has chased a rabbit straight back into the car so i class them as mine... as they ran straight into the side of the car so in the last 2 times it is 2 to me and 0 to the dog
  8. corrected him ever time he looks at them
  9. i have seen 4-5 while i have been out ferreting i have had 1 slither through my net when out ferreting and nice pic mate ill have to come out with you soon
  10. i have done this a few times but i dont take the bones out
  11. the land im on is the edge of the high way. there is a bike track that follow the high way and for the ground cover some have it and so dont it is app 50/50
  12. yes in werribee and im going in morning to
  13. I went out this morning got there at 6.30am and got home a 8.30am and i ended up with 9 in the bag. My little foxy even got 1 as I was netting up she ran off and come back with a rabbit and dropped at my feet, it was the smallest rabbit I have ever seen it was not much biger then a golf ball I could not get a pic of it becauce I was laughing so much, she had a grin from ear to ear.
  14. hi all i found this is pic last night on the net it is meant to be a whippet x
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