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Everything posted by waidmann

  1. honest post bud good luck finding her a new home. waidmann
  2. i have bought a rifle from this chap and am very happy with it. a good bloke p.s. someone will be happy with the set up at that price waidmann
  3. my jill won't touch rabbit either, everything else is on the menu though(pigeon,duck.......) waidmann
  4. i can understand your dads reservations to letting others onto permission,there is a risk to it. sounds like you have made the right decision by respecting your dads wishes and not getting on his back about it good advice about going with your dad and your neighbor to a clay ground and letting them get to know each other,they may get on and your dad may invite him for a day on the pigeons............ sound advice all round,and i would say your dad could be proud of you you for approaching the whole thing in a mature and thoughtfull manner. well done and enjoy the sport with your dad
  5. the prices are pretty much what we paid last year too. the advice to keep good with the neighbors os also spot on,a good relationship will pay dividends a bad one can be a real pain in the arse,bear in mind the shoot will if planned and worked at be running for years to come i don't know how much of this "keeping lark" you have done but i would suggest that in the weeks and months running up to buying poults etc you and a couple of guns spend you time hammering the predators around the pens if this land has not been keepered for a while(corvids,squirrels.man made earths are good if a cou
  6. the only thing i have seen eat a dead fox was a big boar in mid febuary(minus for weeks) and he must have been starving as he ate a big tom cat(frozen solid) on one night and came back for the fox the next night. i have a few foxes around the places i shoot over that have been lying there for weeks and have not been touched by anything but flies and ants. waidmann
  7. sound temperament(other dogs,kids), biddable nature(obiedience),sound of body regardless of whether he is an ugly fecker,the will and ability to work. thats all i ask of a dog and they are rewarded with the best care i can give them waidmann
  8. i think anything oily will do the job bud(spam.luncheon meat,skin,mackeral,bacon etc etc) i have been thinking of making some traps for crab out of some keep nets i have lying around(i have 3 or four that never get used and i'm on the coast quite a bit in summer). waidmann
  9. as above if the dog is stopping short he is seeing agression in you. get down on your knees(on your back if needs be) and in you best squeaky voice praise the hell out of him and give him treats when he sits right next to you. get him on a long lead and practice recall as with a pup,he should come racing back to you dying to see what you have in your hand this time!! shooting with a catapult may work for some,for others it will compound the problem. if he connects the pain with you then its buggered. when he feels a sharp pain in the rear he may decide the best option is to run for the hil
  10. i would be carefull feeding fox to ferrets and dogs.the potential of trichine would be too high for me(a wire worm carried by mice). waidmann
  11. well put together bud. i'm glad you are very happy with her. atb waidmann
  12. they are very elegant dogs and a pleasure to shoot over,love em. get the basic obiedience sorted and follow the books/dvd you have and you should have no trouble(no more than the rest of us anyway!!!!!). enjoy the pup and get him in the water when the weather warm,train her for all the fields of work you can imagine and a couple more and you will have a partner for the field. what work are you intending for him? (rough shooting.stalking.blood trailing???) the best of luck and all the fun you can get(both of you) waidmann
  13. how many are you having bud? i could count the misfires (all calibers from .22lr up to 9.3 x64) on one hand(seven,i'm from telford ). if you are getting enough to fill a bullet box then something may be wrong with the firing pin/spring or the ammo. i would take the misfires to your rfd and show him them and the rifle he may be able to rectify the problem for you waidmann
  14. how old are the dogs mate? good exercise for dogs both but i would not start too young. waidmann
  15. anyone in telford needing a call bird can give me a shout. for the protection of song birds only. waidmann
  16. they have accidents like that in telford every weekend(they must have because they are all over the town from friday onwards).
  17. which areas? in wales (conwy) they are normally around may onwards when the water warms a bit for breeding. waidmann
  18. how are the doors fit-ed to the pipes as we have loads here. the easiest is a runner frame(drop door) or a lateral hinge to a post next to the pipe(also difficult to open).
  19. how many deeks do you have? i would start with a horseshoe shape heads into the wind(closed part of the shoe to the wind). you will find the birds will land at the back(killing zone). if they seem intersested but turn off at the last minute then either something is not "right" or you are moving too soon(shine from the barrel...................). just as important is a good hide(can nets or natural)pigeon see very well. alot of the sport is trial and error(frustrating at times but great when you have a good day!!) hope this helps. waidmann. p.s. have a look in the older posts o
  20. some anal bleaching needed pronto!!!!!!!!!! i turned the screen twice before i realised "billy" was the right way up horrid,horrid picture! waidmann
  21. if the possibility is there to try a gun(from someone else with a cert) then i would do that first. a 12 guage will probably be cheaper to run(carts are cheaper) and i would suggest a better/more versatile caliber for an"average build" 15 year old. don't get me wrong you can shoot rabbit and pigeon with a 410 with great success. you can get a side by side baikal in 12g for around £100(often in very good condition/nearly new ) i have two that cost around that and am very happy with them(so much so that i have not even considered getting anything else to date). if its a 410 you are after
  22. the plan this year is to put down 50 duck and around 200 pheasant(all bought as poults). the pens and feeders will need looking at in due time. we want to make a few man made earths to aid the fox controll and i will be knocking up a few traps(the earths and traps may be combined). we should be getting a few new guns to make the numbers we think we are able to carry. i would love to rear some partridge to release and will this year. its not a big shoot but we have some good days and pisstaking is great waidmann
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