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Everything posted by waidmann

  1. maybe thats what is needed? a couple of lads who live nearby to po round and have a look at the guns he is selling? and problembs with them at all they should call the police and have them deal with it .especially the sort of gear which is being flagged up by the moles ( and bloody good on them for taking the time to do so!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) this is the way forward
  2. would 5mm mild not do the trick for a catty? i doubt you would bend it) saw blades make nice knives lets have a look at what the rest of that blade brings please! yis mike
  3. i have two from decoy direct.co.uk , you can adjust them according to wind and weight of bird etc ( fiberglass rod in a steel tube with foot plate). i find them very good, put them into the wind around the magnet and bobs yours ( as is fanny) waidmannsheil
  4. i am not sure that it is a very good idea to put up your address on here mate, a rough area would be fine. up to you
  5. i have a discovery and get on ok with it. if its a cheap van type you are after the nissan serena is ok ( not the quickest, but i had the 1.6 petrol and not the 2.0 diesel). the best of luck
  6. cheap and easy way to make a usable blade, thanks for posting waidmannsheil!!
  7. it comes off quite well when still tacky ( not quite set/rubbery) i would get it off lol
  8. i would go for spun poly or hemp twine when you start to make the nets mate, it costs a bit more per roll but the nets are far superior to nylon. i make mine with a 2 inch board ( 2 inch spacer= 2 inch mesh) and 40 inches long, shaped from 12 to 18 mesh wide. i have found this is a good sized net i have a book "net making for sport" if i can find it i will let you know and you can have it bud. waidmannsheil!!
  9. i recieved the two catties this morning rob, very nice finish thanks very much mike
  10. splendid the "waidfrau" is looking forward to her new catty ( just showed it her on my phone ) i like the look of the new model there mate, can't wait to see it finished.
  11. now thats worth the panic! :laugh:
  12. an alarming ammount of posts being answered with "disney clips" recently paul, you getting bored at home? lol
  13. i like the look of those kuhkri, i had a very nice one from a gurka many moons ago ( one to be used not a ceremonial) and loved it. had it stolen out of a kit box/mfo box. i think i shall have a go at making one sometime lol. thanks for sharing bud
  14. love the shimmer in sunlight very tidy work there matey. mike
  15. waidmann


    i use the electronic ones , a set of salter kitchen scales (about £20) which i have coverted with some nylon bars (t perch) they work very well in grams and imperial ( shows lbs,ounces and a decimel of the ounces i.e. 1lb 12.8 ounces which i found unusual lol). i make a ritual of checking the scales every now and again with something i know the weight of ( different bags of sugar are normally very precise believe it or not) just to be sure they are reading properly ( you never know if the battery is getting low etc etc) i have changed the battery for the coming season anyway. waidmann
  16. great stuff rob! amazing how its taken shape from a branch to that. looking forward to seeing it done
  17. its a shame you are not closer i could have done with the feathers from a pigeon to imp into the spars tail lol
  18. i have had some "close misses" so far with my"pocket predator" and "jackel" both from rob. i have two more on order, one for a mate at work who saw mine and wanted one and one for the waidfrau she is having single bands and stained pink i hope she don't shoot better than me or i won't hear the last of it :icon_eek:
  19. all hail the spade lol all hail!!! lol
  20. :laugh: no just put it on here mate.
  21. watch yourselves there are arsholes out there!!!!

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