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Everything posted by MagyarAgar

  1. Yes im really interested in the Australian Breeds but more interested in the lurcher offspring of them!! I dont live in the UK so i cant say if there were any Australian Sheepdogs imported. But I tink the Australian Sheepdog is not a Australian Dog. Maybe his ancestors were from Australia but now they are a breed of the USA i think. The answer to ENDGAMEs last question is interesting me too. Who is breeding ACD x or Kelpie x now?
  2. Ok Endgame then I missunderstood that! Magyar Agar
  3. Thank You, that would be nice. Im very interested in lurchers with australian blood in them Most first cross lurcher are a maximum in heterogeneity, so i think it is not often that a lurcher suffers from Deafness ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Did anyone of ever heared of a ( Kelpie x ACD ) x Greyhound? And if yes are there any pictures or videos of them? Magyar Agar
  4. It is the MDR1 Gen defect. Causes a changed sensibility to some drugs. It most probably derived from an only ancestor of various breeds that was a collie. Can u tell me someone who is breeding of this line? Ok thanks for your answer! Magyar Agar
  5. Hi fireman, do you know other acd x breeders beside you? And by the way do you know Simon Dixon? He is mentioned in the Coney Catcher 3 video as a ACD x Breeder. Magyar Agar
  6. I dont think their noses are that bad, over here they are used as rescue/scenting dogs and work well. For the speed and agility department You have to look the coney catcher 1,3 dvd. There I didnt got the impression that the first cross is that slow or clumsy. But that is not first hand experience! Have a nice day Magyar Agar
  7. I meant the same as you. That a lurcher will live longer. Maybe wrote it the wrong way. Magyar Agar
  8. In the USA some Kennel Clubs classify the Ridgeback as a hound, in the same group as the Greyhound, Saluki etc. So I think you do nothing wrong with training yours on the track. Over here there are some really nice Ridgebacks that are really athletic! I came across thinner build ridgebacks and some real big monsters i think there is a big variance in the breed. Magyar Agar
  9. I would assume that the average lurcher gets older than the average kc dog, because of the hybrid vigor. Cheers, Magyar Agar
  10. I think a Vizsla x Greyhound or Ridgeback could be a handy lurcher! Magyar Agar
  11. Instead of taking a Husky I would rather take a Scandinavian Hound(Eurohound) or Greyster. They both have GREAT stamina and Drive. for more Info see the links below. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eurohound http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greyster Magyar Agar
  12. Funny i go to university in Dortmund. But i come from cologne. Plenty of rabbits all over here, they are really a pest and nobody is doing something about it. Im only into rabbiting so as you say these crosses should serve me well
  13. At the moment i have no dog! We had a Whippet wich worked on the lamp und daytime on rabbits. Last year we had to put down our 2 dogs (we had a german pinscher too) that was really hard for me and my family. I live in Germany and over here all hunting with dogs is strictly illegal. Im studying now and when i can afford a dog i will get one! Im missing it really to do some sport with the dog and to have it around at home if you know what i mean. And when the time is coming i hope there will be a nice kelpie x or acd x around.
  14. ok nice, thanks for the info. And wich one is your favorite the first cross or the f2 generation(ACDxGrey/ACDxGrey)?
  15. Great Pics again! Cant see enough of this cross! On wich side is the ACD in the black dog(dam or sire)? are both from working stock? and how old is he/she? Sry for my bad spelling hope you understand it. Best regards Magyar Agar
  16. Yeah should be sorted out now. I had the same effect with the indoor settings shooting outdoor.
  17. Nice Dog Really cant see enough pictures of her! But could it be that all the pictures have a little blue cast (dont know if this is the right worde for it) Magyar Agar
  18. Thats really a nice Whippet u have there! Thumbs up! I like them a little taller, too. Overhere there is often a "italian greayhound" like whippet that i dislike!
  19. How is she bred? She looks like she is in fantastic shape! Magyar Agar
  20. Yeah she looks really athletic! Is she bred cattle dog bitch to grey dog or vice versa?
  21. Thats a really nice bitch!! looks like a cracker! On which side is she throwing more? To the ACD or to the Grey? How old is she??
  22. Hey Guys! Is here anyone who wants to sell me his copy(s) of the Coney Catcher DVD(s)? I have Pay Pal! Thanks in advance Magyar Agar
  23. Sorry to hear that! R.I.P. lula Magyar Agar
  24. Hello and Thank You all for your Welcome wishes! MagyarAgar
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