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Everything posted by lmv123

  1. gud night that mate nice little set up you got there aswell after reading that i feel like gettin the mfr out an going for a bit wander maself. Keep hunting
  2. hi topper is the gun still for sale whats the least u take for it mate
  3. its still here chaps very good accurate and powerfull got 7 rabbits last night with her 1 pellet for each this gun takes no prisoners!!! it also comes with the wheirauch manufactured spring{for those that are ox haters???} that was chrono at 11.3 ft lb before the accellerator went in. Also could anyone help me get the pics I have taken of her onto hear for those that would like to view. Cheers
  4. what kind of falcon is it mate and how much was it new, how old is it a mite b very interested
  5. lmv123


    can [NO TEXT TALK] tell me how to get sum pis of my gun onto this site on the for sale section i am runnin in2 sum difficulties cheers
  6. its a 2.2 mate an all i can say it is powerfull
  7. ill get them on for 2m mate quite busy but a very powerfull airgun takes no prisoners
  8. anybody interesred in a wheirauch 95 good condition just had an ox accellerator fitted very powerfull 4.40 simmons scope 150 no offers
  9. i have owned quite a few weirauchs including the 35,77,97,90 and i currently own the 95 an in my opinion its is the best 1 it is light,accurate and deadly well recomended. I have also shot the xl an did not like it 2 much recoil and loud
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