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Everything posted by philipmurray

  2. pattxrussell pal im blind.. :icon_redface: and retarded! nice one scent! Thanks for that adam...
  3. pattxrussell pal im blind.. :icon_redface:
  4. i would of sai a collie hound smashing dog all the same
  5. ill no monday hopefully he is starting to put it under him today..... ;) ....... ill pm your foxhunter on monday
  6. That black and white dog looks smashing whats in it...!
  7. my fella cut his hok lastnite and is lame today and cant put foot under him.... :angry:
  8. Scent i like you attitude letting the quarry run till next time it not all about killing... ;) Atb for the the coming season Pat
  9. Mre people please for a good cause....!
  10. Be careful with them burrows ferreting.....tend to collapse i wouldnt chance it... ;)
  11. IM OUT NO LIFT.... :cry: :realmad: :realmad: :realmad:
  12. only people you can trust close friends i had a problem last year with a friend of mine lamping my premission wasnt to impressed..!
  13. nice pictures and looks like a lovely country........... ;)
  14. THERE'S ALLWAYS A HOLIDAY IN NORWAY TO BE HAD THOUGH??? Yes i cant wait... :icon_redface:
  15. The same happened me lasst year but all of mine died
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