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Everything posted by ian21

  1. me and my brothers went out for a few hours today and we didnt have a bad day with us getting a good bag of 10 rabbits.
  2. they are nothing but f**king scum bags they want there fingers chopping off. someone nicked all my purse nets mk3 and 2collars and my 15yard stop net about 8month ago i had a feeling who had nicked them so me and my brother went round to his flat and there was in his shed :black eye:
  3. there is myxy round my area but it is not to bad it looks like they are getting over it.
  4. Sorry mate ,they ain,t A tree? :11:
  5. i cover all the bottom of the cage with wood shavings and use hay for the bedding and all the time i have had ferrets i have not had any problems with ticks.
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