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Everything posted by ian21

  1. says f**k the ban

  2. how much do you want??? have you got ant pics??? atb ian...
  3. i have it on my forum that they must join first before they view the posts...... "£$%^&*()/index.cgi
  4. i have put it on my forum mate so get posting i am interested in viewing some of the posts thanks atb ian "£$%^&*()/index.cgi
  5. come on why not join today loads of people you know on here have joined so why not join and get posting thanks atb ian and hunting masters forum....... and a happy new year to you all...
  6. nice bag lads keep up the good work
  7. thanks for the replys everyone we are trying are best to get the site up to everybodys likeings so if you have any ideas or anything you would like to see on there just let us know by emailing us or send us a message and we will try and see what we can do.... thanks atb ian.
  8. me and my mate have made our own forum so why dont you sign up and have a look you are more then welcome so hope to see you soon the site is called "£$%^&*()/ (BUT ITS NOT REALLY FINISHED YET BUT DOING IT AS WE SPEAK)
  9. ian21


    i like the replys
  10. ian21


    is there anybody on here from retford????????
  11. yea its the best time to go ferreting in the snow like wippeter69 said you can tell if the rabbits are at home ......
  12. good bag lads and nice to see the young'ens are getting in to it....
  13. good bag lads keep it up
  14. Stuff 'em, i've got some land that runs alongside a dual carriage way. There's holes all the way along the hedge and on the verge and i've always ferreted these with out any trouble apart from the odd anti driving past pipping sticking his fingers up. On a few occasions when theres no crop in the fields these warrens have been the best ones for holding. same here mate i have the same on some permission i have got and we do the holes on the road side like you said you get antis beeping and sticking they fingers up at us we just give them it back f**k'em
  15. cheers for replys ATB ian
  16. me and my brothers went ferreting today on some of our permission we was on there for about an hour when we heard some people talking but couldnt see them so we shouted to them to make sure they wasnt shooting they shouted back and said no we are ferreting so they came over to us and we chatted to them then they carried on ferreting leaving us to ferret we packed up after that and went to a different permission we have got cause they had ruined it for us because we didnt know which holes they had ferreted plus they made to much noise the farmer never told us there was someone else on there fe
  17. me and my brother went out ferreting yesterday for a few hours we got 11 in total, we was doing hedgerows and when we come to the last set of the day we netted up and put the ferrets in and in ten mins a rabbit bolted out of a different set 10yards down from us so we netted it up quick and when i came to my last hole to net i put the net over the hole still holding the peg in my hand i felt some thing bang underneath me and a rabbit was in the net while i was still holding the peg and the net had only been down about 5seconds so that was lucky sorry there is no pics!!!!! ATB IAN.
  18. nice bag mate pitty about the digging
  19. we went out once with my mates ferrets and one of his ferrets drag one out before but never seen anything like that since.
  20. try mick dadd he does good nets 01142851372. atb ian
  21. nice one lads keep up the good work.....
  22. there are not 60pound there are 15pound each or 2 for 25pound ring them they will tell you mate atb ian The cheaper ones dont suck the rabbits out of the ground though Y.I.S Leeview
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