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About ReBreatherSteve

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  1. Is it left or right handed? How old is it? Any problems with it? I guess it's the pre-anti tamper version?
  2. Yellow butty box, no I refer to it as my killing machine, it's a classic inspiration, one of the best they made, a few up grades but nothing too serious. I bought it in 98 and it is fantastic, well all most, it did give 100% 02 at 110 msw once, I can honestly say the inside of my dry bag was same colour as my buddy and he's called Leroy. However all my mistakes have been down to human error, ie my error, rather than the inspiration. If you get the chance to dive one jump at it, they are some thing else but they do bite back!!!
  3. Many thanks for the info, I'm passing Huddersfield on Friday, I'll stop off and take a look, it might even stop me travelling all the way to Blackpool. I'm actually north east Leeds area, Wetherby, lots of open fields, woods and large gardens, rabbits, wood pigeons and pheasants are common sights and out number humans by 10 to 1. As I type this I can see a fox walking past a dead pigeon which something has killed, even the foxes around here are fat and lazy!!! When my son shows me how to upload photo's I'll post some on this site so you can see what's what. Thanks again for the i
  4. For many years motor bikes where my passion, then came along diving, both summer sports, so one had to go and the diving won. Then as time goes by my garage started to get filled with brass items, portholes, whistles, bells, shell cases, etc, etc, you name it I've got collected one. Then Ritchie Stephenson introduced me into collecting glass and china, then the garage was not only full of brass but also glass and china. To cut a long story short and after spending many hours in a decompression chamber my wife gave me the hard word, no more diving except abroad. So the motor bikes came b
  5. Many thanks for all the advice, lots to think about. Going to SDS Water Sports, Sheffield, on Saturday to take a look and feel a few air rifles. Does anyone know if they have a web site for their air rifles? I can easily find the diving site but not the air gun site. Also thinking of driving over to Blackpool air rifles, again to have a look. As a side issue when I was getting my rebreather re-filled many years ago (2000) at SDS my eye was attracted to an air rifle, after further conversation with Arthur it turned out to be Ripley single shot air rifle. When I asked how mu
  6. Hi Scuba1, My cyclinders are small been Inspiration based, the largest one I have is a 7ltr. I just don't like the hassle of charging them up therefore I just want something I can pickup and shoot. Some of the replies think a springer might be best so I'll take a look at a few of them. Thanks for the feedback.
  7. Hi Lee85, I've just noticed your in Bradford area, which shops do you use? I might go along and try the weight of a few air rifles. When you say springer I guess you mean a rifle with a standard spring inside. I thought these type of rifles lost strength as time went by, so it might start as a 12 pounder but within a year it's down to a 10 pounder. Is this not the case? Any advice on a nice reliable springer?
  8. Good morning, My first posting so no flaming please. The rabbits, crows and magpies have won the battle, it's time for me to buy an air rifle, whilst I type this I can see at least 6 rabbits enjoying breakfast on my vegetables, my wife keep going out to try and scare them off but she's wasting her time, however it does keep her fit!!! Ok, now for my question, I have a budget of £1,000 however I don't want all the hassle of diving bottles and filling up, getting on a bit and I'm not as nimble as I used to be. I've looked around the net and liked the look of the Theoben SLR98 gas r
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