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Everything posted by GOSSYOVSLAND

  1. that cat will of had the rabbit no bother ive seen one carrying a myxie rabbit before was funny to watch but i geuss not so funny for the bunny.i chased it off and dispactced the thing.
  2. not for sale any more im keeping him was thinking about selling him as he not getting the graft with me working away from home.
  3. Was out lastnight and whilst traveling down the a19 at north kirklevington we drove over what we thought to be a fox or deer so we pulled up in a layby and there was a lorry and the driver approached us with poor english he explained that he ran an animal over he thought was a deer so i got out to see what it was and move it incase of an accident but when i got there i was gutted to see what lookd like a big bullx you could say it will of died instantly poor thing whilst i was moving it to the grass verge i seen a lamp and heard whistling inn the next field so i shouted that the dog was her
  4. looks amazing is there any vids on the web cant find any on you tube?
  5. As I said before the pup has settled in now and we are keeping it as a pet and as some knobs mentioned it deffanately wont be getting put in a bucket ffs and yes the little c**t had us over some will say I should of known better (get nowt for nowt) also didnt think I had reason to doubt him,when rocky told me about what he had found out I phoned the lad to let him know what I thought and what people were assuming so obviously he said they were what he said and that if I wasnt happy too take them back lol no doubt if I did he wouldnt of been in but like I say we are keeping it here and wouldn
  6. would love to find a bitch for my dog as he ois four and. Havent had him on a bitch yet he is a good dog aswell defo want a pup out of him in the future. And NEWKID I know what you mean mate ;-)
  7. Ha ha beleive me if its what yous are saying I will not take the thing out hunting it will be a pet and jonnyboy I didnt find out till an hour or so ago and noticed he has not been on here and backing him self upo_O
  8. FFS how did you think they were bull/russell x greyhound when he advertised them as collie/whip x grey. Can you not read? yes I can read mate its what someone said to me in a message about one of his old posts! The lad told me they were colliewippet 1st x to a greyhound bitch and she had fifteen hence them being small he seemed genuine enough for me not to doubt him feel like a tit if he is bullshiting
  9. And also have any you lads had or seen of any pups out of large litters like these are supposed to be. If so what was the size of pups like [bANNED TEXT] ever breed they were to pups out of average litters? And if they dont turn out to be what we were told ill be getting another but will be buying lol
  10. Look lads I have phoned him saying whats been said and he offered to take the pups back(i know where he lives) if am not happy been on phone to my mayte told him the crack and he said the same as me our lass and kids fell in love with it so thats that and what cross you saying they are?
  11. Well all I can say is if they are not what they were put out to be I will not be best pleased its a c**ts trick and been led to beleive they are bullrusselxgreyhound???
  12. good little vid mate like the look of the big broken coated dogs
  13. You could stand that dog a lot better.... but it's not a show dog, and it looks like a realy nice type !I'd like to see some better pics of it. Cheers. ha ha he dont like his pic taken and yeah never been in a show ring
  14. i had an x track dog givin when i was younger he done well only had rabbits with him and the odd hare but sadly broke his leg and due to complications had to be p.t.s
  15. welldone stubby and co!!how far have they spread has there been any reports in tyne and wear or near by?
  16. george what camera do you use and how much? old lamp seems better
  17. will do pal my mate is happy with his aswell cheers
  18. my deerhound/salukixdeerhound/bullgrey off rocky the brother to his in his pic
  19. well just been to pick 2 pups up off lamping lurchers pups are in good condition and running about my living room as we speak fairplay to lamping lurchers cheers pal
  20. doesn't have to be written does it? the law just says permission doesn't it? it says written for terrier work but not for rabbiting/ratting. Yes it DOE'S have to be written. If you don't have your permission letter with you, how doe's the cop know you have permission ? .... OH !! That's right !!! He 'phones the farmer or landowner at 3 o'clock in the morning to check, and pisses him off so you lose whatever permission you had ! Cheers. ive been pulled before gave them the perrmission letter and they still phoned the farmer at daft oclock think this particular copper had a b
  21. ill have too get back too you mate,we do allsorts of logos if you have any thing in mind please let me know and ill see if we have it or simmilar pics from pidgeons,pheasants fox,badgers,dogs and game and also equestrian pics and a lot more
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