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About wingnut987

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  • Birthday 07/02/1975

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  • Gender
  • Location
    West Wales
  • Interests
    Shooting,Fishing,and Working my Dogs

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  1. I have seen them both at work. Both handy dogs especially the sire. Single handed. The photos don't do the dog justice. I've got a golly bred dog myself although he's getting on a bit now
  2. Cracking looking pups mate... Fair play....
  3. its the lorry i used 2 drive in work redneck........
  4. MBDT yes i still have the dog and i'm in pembrokeshire west wales... sull85 no he's quiet in the house mate... and before anyone say's anything no i'm not keeping him in the house because i already have a labrador in there already.. SIMOMAN.... I bet you have heard all the story's... this is a genuine dog which will make someone very proud but unfortunatly for me i live in a close neighbourhood and can't afford to fall out with any of them due to a noisy dog..
  5. Thanks for putting the pics up Owain... Dog is still with me and i've had alot of people wanting pictures but other than that nothing else...
  6. If some-one can post a couple of pics for me i would be very grateful as i keep sending pics to people and i could just be wasting my time... text me on 07779289104 and i will get the missus to send a couple of pics to your phone... Many thanks ... Gavin.
  7. Benji i've tried the hose pipe and the cleaver little sod can hear the hiss of the water coming and run's into his box to hide away from it.. Toppa i've used 2 soft muzzle's and he's broke them both (ok they were cheap ones)... Rhian if i left food down he would eat all day. I've tried housing him with other dogs and pretty much everything else... he's now in the house in a small cage until he goes (just to keep the peace)....Stabba your quite right about the neighbours i had the council out last year and i dont want any agro im getting enough off the wife now without all this... Chopper he's
  8. My mind is made up he has to go.... The wife does my dogs for me as i'm in work at 5am and she doesn't want any agro from the neighbours...
  9. I have just had a message asking the same question.... Unfortunatly i live in Wales where they are illegal and with my nosey neighbours and my other dogs the last thing i need is a visit from PC PLOD if you know what i mean... I've honestly tried to think of every option and this is the only answer...
  10. You are correct i've got Hector and he's 3 1/2 now.. His son is 2 now and had a very early start and I know he's seen alot of stuff..
  11. 3/4 Patterdale 1/4 Bull...... Brown in colour strong type. Will be totally honest in that the only reason i am selling him is that he barks in a morning as he is fed before the wife goes to work and has now got into the habit of barking for her to go out and feed him. I've tried to feed at different times but it makes no difference now.. None of my other dogs do it only him.. The neighbours have been around to complain so he must go (sadly). Unable to download a picture but will send it to anyone who could add it for me.. He's seen a little but is a dog for this coming season. I'm in Pembrokes
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