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Everything posted by mud

  1. Ye that him mate,he said ur welcome anytime ??
  2. A friend does a lot of shooting all over the lakes,takes a scary amount off foxes each season,always offers me to nip over with him but shootings not for me thankfully ....
  3. ? nice place clithrowe,my uncle not long sold the fisheries up there
  4. Am going to try an go for a big number this year on the bunny’s,if I get over ten that’s a big number for me where I lamp ??
  5. mud

    Scrap men

    Good on you for working hard to get where you are and what you have, I fully respect that. I just don’t understand why people make judgement of people they don’t know. It’s unnecessary and making assumptions about other people because of their possessions comes across as jealousy. Youve just made an assumption about my opinions, having never met me.??
  6. mud

    Scrap men

    If people stopped going on about others,and started going on about them selves,may be they start doing well for them selves.just a thought ??
  7. mud

    Scrap men

    REAL WORLD ?,this is the thing.. people see other people doing well for them selves(RIGHT)and coz there not doing so well them selves star accusing for criminality...sad but that’s life ??
  8. mud

    Scrap men

    No Mary poppings mate,poisoned minds come to mind,
  9. mud

    Scrap men

    So because he has an R8 and he weren’t busy in business at the time you seen him,Your brain started to go in to over drive an thinking he’s in to criminality....people like that piss me off....why not wondering good on him ?
  10. I wish I had a bitch to hang off me balls ??
  11. Bulls not balls,u got a filthy mind u lot up there ??,
  12. She a fun little pup mate,hangs off the bulls ?
  13. Ye,she getting bigger by the days D/C ??
  14. Pic from last week,11 weeks old tomorrow
  15. Thanks peter,hes a fun little dog to have about ??
  16. Stafford’s are easy on the eye
  17. Your going to have your hands full in a couple of weeks sue ?
  18. O well bit of love island then back out laters ?
  19. Nice blokes don’t bring mothers in to things ?
  20. Ginger beard shud be held down and every member of THL shud be allowed to give him 1 good kick in the bollocks ?
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