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Everything posted by mud

  1. I think me an her are more excited than the kids for Christmas,it’s a whole different ballgame now the 2 kids are 3 an 1,best part of it is seeing there faces on Christmas morning ???
  2. mud


    Hard night on the bins always pays off ?
  3. mud


    ?? I wish,BIN MEN RULE ??
  4. mud


    Use are all lucky to have jobs,I’m rooting in bins down here ?
  5. mud


    Think the lad who was posting got a good topic going on moochers on fox he had shot and retrieved with lurches,then all ov a sudden they goin over anti sites,no face pictures was ever posted by the lad,?,but when members said moochers is crawling in antis people were still posting pics of deer with lurchers with there face in full view,NOW AFEW PEOPLE ARE ALOT SAFER THAN OTHERS ON MOOCHERS
  6. mud


    What crackers means is,there was a pic of a shot fox put up on moochers next to a lurcher,that pic was put over anti sites,then there were deer an lurches pics on moochers,SOME PEOPLE ARE ALOT SAFER ON MOOCHERS THAN OTHERS MEMBERS ON THERE...?
  7. mud


    Moochers was on its arse when I joined,few members said it only recently started to liven up a bit,it’s mostly just posts about ferreting/rabbiting but there’s afew nice lads on there who LIKE TO WORK THERE DOGS
  8. mud


    Either that or he’s a c**t,you just don’t admit to stealing dogs
  9. I’ve a young springer bitch witch is small cocker size,she was a gun dog up until I got her so just trying get her going the way I want her now,squirrels/bunny’s/fox
  10. I’ve a young 5/8s grey bitch coming on nicely now,showing plenty good signs
  11. mud


    And then he have a go at his fellow hunting buddy’s on moochers who he called dirt an called them sheep ?,no wonder they didn’t want back you up Micky as you openly admitted to robbing a dog and selling it,saying that you’ll be back in there company soon enough ferreting with them
  12. mud


    My point exactly d/c Why he would lower himself to that level admitting to robbing and selling a dog is beyond me.
  13. mud


    Control yourself Michael ?
  14. mud


  15. mud


    Don’t forget the 10 viagra for the erections,need the blood pumping ?
  16. mud


    Yes sludgey undys ??
  17. mud


    They not let the underpants down as we is all wankers ?
  18. mud


    Nope the rope keeps pants pulled up
  19. mud


    Got hair like me ?
  20. mud


    Micky you’re digging a bigger hole and making yourself look like a bigger clown,you was slagging your hunting buddy’s of on moochers calling them all sheep for something you admitted to doing openly on the moochers site and when the didn’t back you up for your own stupidity u spat your dummy out ????????
  21. mud


    Big tits ????
  22. mud


    Now I think most members can see where I was coming from with Micky,asked was he the man who stole and sold the dog and he said yes and thought it was a game,as he still is now on here ?????????
  23. mud


    Do u still get it up at your age Micky ??
  24. mud


    NOPE,I’d never lay a finger on a pensioner any pensioner for a matter of fact,but you do come across as a very rude old man
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