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Everything posted by mud

  1. At least the lads where out there putting the work in front of the dogs,more than most bitching about it on here ??
  2. Smart little bitch Elliot
  3. Nipped down the m5 last night ground started to harden by 4 clock so called it a night
  4. Had a nip out myself last night 7 till 9,didn’t find what wanted but main thing dogs had a few runs
  5. mud

    dirty scumbags

    And that goes for anyone of mickys mates I don’t give a f**k about the c**t or any one on here asking have I got any young sisters for him,I WASNT GOING TO MENTION WHAT HE PM ME BUT AS DICK HEADS ARE TRYING TO PAINT ME BLACK,if any of them have got a problem with what I’ve wrote come an see me am not hard to find an they will get told the same
  6. mud

    dirty scumbags

    Katchum don’t try paint me black,I’m not picking on Micky,I asked him if he was mick from Leicester who lamped with us few years back he said yes,I said was it him who took the buck skin deer dog on to run he said yes,I said where was it as he stole it off us and moved house,he said f**k off,PROBABLY DRUNK AT THE TIME HAVING A LAUGH SO HE THOUGHT,in my eyes he was the Micky who stole the dog from Leicester for admitting it,turned out it wasn’t him but he thought it was fun saying he was the Micky who stole the dog,and for the pm’s I’ve had off the drunken old piss head asking me have I got any
  7. mud

    dirty scumbags

    Tbh taker boy I’m still on there,never put all ur eggs in the one basket ?
  8. mud

    dirty scumbags

    Be careful lads,you know what certain members are like off other sites,pestering mods to ban members of the site,don’t play in to ITS hands ??
  9. An average dog will show you he’s/she’s average,where a good dog will show you he’s/she’s good,simple
  10. Is Kieron Ritchie the same Kieron on moochers
  11. mud

    So .......

    Jesus Christ is that socks getting his temperature took
  12. mud


    For all the moochers ?
  13. mud


    Yes,glad I’m back on there now ??
  14. mud


    The pants are a small size and tops a medium ??
  15. mud


    Well elchapo and crackers I got your shirts made for Christmas today,I’ll send them in post in morning so shud be with use by Christmas,??Thanks for the orders fellas atb mud
  17. Don’t need no dogs to back dogs up,as I only run bunny’s ??
  18. Dog on the right is collie/bull/grey other two are deer/bull/greys,having a muck about last night on the bunny’s ??
  19. We already do that king,she pulls me out the bed saying quick the kids are up,?
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