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About MissH

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  1. Thanks to all of those with serious answers I've had her since a pup, my uncle has 2 beddy/whippet lurchers and thats where the interest started, shes caught rabbits before never anything else, someone also suggested the collie side of her has made it a habit to run at that speed so thats what she now does and breaking a habit of a 4 year old would be very hard. Definately going to keep up on fitness with her maybe she does have a bit more fitness to give.
  2. Shes a 4yr old grey x collie, i know she can run faster as i've seen her run faster such as chasing a cat across the park she saw i'd never seen her shift so fast. As soon as she thinks shes doing it for me shes like oh yes this game and does her usually not so quick running pace. Tbh those who took the piss no i really don't know that much shes my first working dog, i know a lot of its down to fitness and stamina i feel she has the fitness but is lacking a bit of stamina which were working on, she goes to hydratherapy once a week, other half takes her out on the bike and i take her out ru
  3. Is there any way of speeding a dog up? Shes not exactally slow but i just dont feel shes trying as hard as she possibly could, shes a young fit dog. She has bags of chase drive and want to work. Hopefully having her checked over by a chiropracter(sp) type person in a couple of weeks making sure theres not something there affecting her stride. I'm not sure if its just a case of teaching her to get a better stride whilst running. Also is there anyway to drive a dog to come back?
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