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Everything posted by bratton

  1. nice pictures cheers atb bratton
  2. hi i seen a few pics of lurchers in action on here last season and really enjoyeed viwing them could you please add a few pics of them in action abt bratton
  3. hi have a collie saluki greyhound bitch ive had her from 8 weeksold and she is really coming on well and very obedient for her age i have got her retreiving dunnmy in day time and night time also jumping whilst retreiving really looking forward to running her this season atb bratton
  4. well done with your pup mate a bit young to be running rabbits in my opinion but if she caught nothing you can do if she is catching and retreiving at that age she should make a cracker atb bratton
  5. that dog is a stunner mate what cross is it atb bratton
  6. very sorry to hear that mate some people say if its no good kill it and all that but dogs realy are part of the family sorry bud bratton
  7. very sorry to hear that mate some people say if its no good kill it and all that but dogs realy are part of the family sorry bud bratton
  8. very sorry to hear that mate some people say if its no good kill it and all that but dogs realy are part of the family sorry bud bratton
  9. very sorry to hear that mate some people say if its no good kill it and all that but dogs realy are part of the family sorry bud bratton
  10. hello very intersested will be going to a good working home could you pm me if you still have them and were you from thanks bratton
  11. i will definately have 1 mate will be going to a good working home and a permanant home pm me if youve still got them mate bratton
  12. nice looking pup mate can you put some pics up of her now cheers bratton
  13. i no a lad who has got a bull greyhound x whippet and thats a good dog on rabbits mate atb bratton
  14. very nice looking doag mate atb with it bratton
  15. i have a ratcatcher and i just wondered if there would be a way of converting the ractcather so i could use my divers bottle to fill it instead of buying capsuals cheers bratton
  16. cheers lads i think i will use a collie gery pr collie whippet cheers
  17. i have a collie greyhound x whippet she is now 6 and has been a very good dog and still is she catches hares pre ban fox pre ban very good rabbit dog to on the lamp and day also a very good ferreting dog and obedient i was just wondering if she is to old to mate as a couple of people have told me she is also what x would be best to put over her cheeers bratton
  18. well done mate there is nothing better than watchin the dog you have had from pup and trained yourself catch its first rabbit and retreive it atb bratton
  19. nice dogs mate i like the lakeland terrier especially atb mate bratton
  20. in my opinion mate i would put a bit of collie in there for brains atb bratton
  21. my mates dog was the same pal and he slimmed it down and found it was much better not forced to work but just an idea atb bratton
  22. cheers for ideas i currently have a wheirach silencer but i tried my mates logun silencer and there was hardly any difference so il stick to my old wheirach one atb bratton
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