hi there i saw your add about a bull x pup im selling 1 myself he is a 3/8 bull 5/8 greyhound i no the parents to the dog and both do 100 percent quarry the only reason i have got the pup i because the lad who bought it was mis treating it i gave him £100 for it and i have took it for its needles £30 its a very nice pup and i would love to keep it but as living with my mum she wont let me hes a lovely looking pup 4 months old i am wanting £100 pound back for him i dont mind loosing £30 for the needles as long as he gets a good working home cheers bratton
You should look at peoples posts
hi there i saw your add about a bull x pup im selling 1 myself he is a 3/8 bull 5/8 greyhound i no the parents to the dog and both do 100 percent quarry the only reason i have got the pup i because the lad who bought it was mis treating it i gave him £100 for it and i have took it for its needles £30 its a very nice pup and i would love to keep it but as living with my mum she wont let me hes a lovely looking pup 4 months old i am wanting £100 pound back for him i dont mind loosing £30 for the needles as long as he gets a good working home cheers bratton
bin out today on the local field and golf course to give the dogs a run when my mates dog must of chased something into the woods then a yalp big gash under chest horrible stuff they should make it illegal to use imo bratton
ive had one of these slip leads made for me by deakin a couple of weeks ago and they are really good slip leads comfy to hold no lead diggin in as there is a wood handle and also they are very quick slip reaction very posotive feedback from me atb bratton
Its probably a good idea to charge the battery before you use it and if you had it charged and it died safer buying a decent battery you cheapskate
well arent you a bright spark to say charge the battery dint think of that u wierdo the fuse must of blown or summets you prick
very happy with my dogs first season she is now 13 month old and doing very well id say shes had 60 - 70 rabbits 4-5 long ears and seen a couple of charlies she also retreives well and jumps well not a world beater but im very happy with her :-)
hi there i was just thinking people are always talkin about well known coursing dogs doing the business and there breeding lines i bet htere are dogs about out there that are self bred and un heared of that are just as good as the big named dogs just my opinion cheers bratton
to be honest with you mate if your pup is jumping 4 ft at 6 month then he has been trained to jump enought as when he gets older jumping higher things will come natural as he gets older and at 6 month you just want to be gettin him retreiving and basic obedience nothing to much start him lamping at around 10 in my opinion thanks bratton