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Three Blades

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About Three Blades

  • Rank
    Rookie Hunter
  1. I have one of these and my main complaint is that it is a PITA to load as the end of the cartridge falls below the breach when inserting it. The later versions (I do not know ho old mine is - well, at least 30y) have two little springs that pop up between the bolt and the breach when you pull the bolt back. This type is much easier to load so try to get one of those. Mine has the number stamped under where the bolt sits. Take the bolt out and you see it.
  2. This spring design (open ended) looks good for use with barley. I find that the usual springs are all well and good with corn but are not so free with barley as they need to be bashed harder to get the seed out.. Has anybody had any problems with the usual spring feeders and barley ? Thanks TB
  3. When inspecting cabinets, the police like to see that it is out of sight to any normal visitor to the house. Hence they are usually put in out of the way places or behind coats etc. I doubt that a conspicious safe would be a welcomed at all by plod. As for cars, the same applies - they must be out of sight. If you build something that permits the safe to be locked into the car then this may have interest. If the safe can be just lifted out then it adds little over a soft case as the thief can just take it away and cut it open in his own time. I like the idea of fancy metal work but a gun saf
  4. Hily, I am afraid that I cannot answer your question but rather share a concern. I think that if you have walking guns and deep snow then it is indeed dangerous. However I cannot see the problem with standing guns provided that your visibility (lack of fog) is OK. If you are in any way open to litigation (landowner, rights owner etc) then I would be tempted to be careful and err on the side of caution as you can do without any further trouble if the worst happened. I would be interested to hear any thoughts about cancelled shooting based on bird welfare during the snow. The current r
  5. Have a look down the page on this site: http://www.varmintal.com/17hmr.htm There is some trajectory data for .17 and .22
  6. I am feeding corn. So perhaps it is more deer than badger. I will try some fencing. Thanks
  7. Now that the weather has cooled down a bit, I have seen a massive rise in the grain consumption from a few of my feeders. 1)Am I right to assume that this is the work of badgers/deer as the consumption on other nearby feeders is nothing like as high. 2) If so, which of the badger/deer prevention feeders does anybody recommend ? The solid ones with the slot or the spirals with the cage / spikes. I have tried some home-made spikes (barbed wire) but it seems to make little difference. Thanks for your advice. TB
  8. Sorry. this should have been in the gamekeeping forum
  9. Would the etiquette for FORMAL game shoots not be for S/S rather than U/O ?
  10. It rather depends what you want to use it for. I have both and they do very different jobs. U/O tend to be heavier and hence are good for clays but are too heavy to carry around the fields for rough or driven shooting. S/S tend to be lighter and good at the opposite. That said, make sure that you try a few before you buy and make sure that they fit you. In many cases this does not even require firing any shots but simply mounting the gun and seeing if your eyes are naturally looking straight down the barrels. It is no good if the gun is pointing somewhere different to your eyes. Plenty of
  11. Has anybody bothered to wire their gun cabinet into the house intruder alarm system ? I am thinking of doing this as, whilst not totally necessary, I would hope that it would help with relations with the police on inspection for a FAC. The plan is to simply fit a door contact magnet as per a normal front door. Due to the lack of solid walls upstairs (timber frame), the cabinet is located downstairs and hence slightly less optimal as far as the police are concerned. I am happy with the mechanical technicalities but wondered if anybody has done this and found it helpful. Thnaks
  12. Many thanks for all of your replies. It is interesting to see the differences. I expect each year will be different as well. This give me a useful benchmark though.
  13. I am sure that this has been asked before and I am sorry but I could not find an answer either on here or on the web. How much grain do you estimate to go through in a complete season for pheasants ? Does 5t / 1000 sound right ? I appreciate that there are many variables (timing, cover type, natural food etc) but a rough guide would be useful as I am getting mine loose and in bulk direct from the local farmer. Many thanks for your help. TB
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