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Everything posted by MR BROOK

  1. Advice please. What's the best way to deal with corns on dogs feet?
  2. Hi all. So I took Breeze to a dog show the other day and she is won puppy champion. she is 10 months now. I think she is turning into A beautiful bitch. What do you guys think.
  3. he look great mate even looks like her.
  4. Thanks everyone for all the great comments
  5. What is she tts at the moment and what do you expect her to reach tts?,plus as already been mentioned shes a cracker,good feet,good depth of chest,length of neck etc,atb.She is 25 1/2 inch . So should make 26 / 27
  6. I got her from a guy in Surrey . The dam was a 5 th gen Dave Platts deerhound , greyhound . Sire was a deerhound , greyhound , saluki.
  7. Sorry guy's she deerhound , greyhound , saluki
  8. She is 7 months now & is growing well. I am very pleased with her. Please let me now what you think.
  9. Right I have not started this post for everyone to fall out & start arguing, I am just interested in peoples experiences with the different crosses. For me the best lurcher I have owned was a deerhound greyhound collie . This dog was fearless & would jump anything & was as bright as a button.
  10. Nice pic mate some of mine <iframe width="480" height="360" src="http://s292.photobucket.com/user/Dan_Chandler/embed/Mobile%20Uploads/story"></iframe> He's a cracker Dan-ch84 did you get him from Surrey then? My bitch was born on the 8/9 June
  11. Yes I think so mate. Do you no the litter mate ?
  12. You get good and bad in all crosses ,but I have seen some really game deerhound crosses. As for the bull cross the breed lacks more then it bring to the lurcher.
  13. R I P Sam sorry for your loss
  14. Sorry mate I have no idea how much he charges as I did not get my pup from him, but I expert someone on here will know.
  15. We'll she 5 months now & will chase anything that moves. Her sire was bread and owned by a guy in Surrey . He has had the same line for thirty something years deerhound greyhound saluki . The saluki was put into the line about 6 gen back. So not to much . So she is mostly deerhound geryhound .
  16. she 5 months old. You got a pic of your pup mate wouldn't mind a look :-)
  17. Hi all here is my bitch who's mother is was breed by dave platt. I would love to see any pics you have of your deerhound greyhounds & if they were breed by dave platt all the better as it will give me some idea how she may turn out.
  18. So Logan & Reema are about 2 1/2 years now. Here are some pic of what there have done in the show ring.
  19. This is her at about 10 weeks. If anyone else have a dog by Dave Platt please feel free to add a pic as I would love to see them.
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