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Everything posted by Robread

  1. Im all new to this but f**k me, WHIN get a life you prick, even I can see your chatting shit, my mate this, my mate that. With your know it all attitude im suprised you have mates!
  2. Can anybody share some pictures of their Whelping Box setups????
  3. Has ordered television x for the night!

  4. is that sign in your pic genuine or a fake mate?? funny as f**k that is!and as for using someones dog in one of them pics its a bit out of order i wouldnt like someone to do it with mine it a real sign fella funny as. if you look at my topics theres loads on 1 of them THEYRE FUNNY AS f**k THEM LAD LOL! PISSIN MESELF!
  6. Anybody sensing a little chav that would like to have a dog with a bit of bull init on his arm????
  7. Could of sworn somebody put up that brown bull cross on a thread yesterday! Y would someone put up a pic thats not theirs??? :wallbash:
  8. New Group on Facebook its called John Craven is a W****R!!!
  9. Set Mine and all lads! Im gonna set up a forum on facebook!
  10. Being new to the game can anyone tell me, whats the difference between a ped and non ped whippet?? Got to ask questions if i want to learn! Cheers Guys
  11. Robread


    Aye the farmer thought it were a stray until he found the skinned ones. Looks kind of suspicious though dont it, dog attacks and skinning in the same night! I can understand what your saying about the Lamb for Boxing Day! b*****d Recession!
  12. Robread


    Just a whinge here lads. Popped in the garage last night on way home and picked up local paper. Was shocked to read a story on the front page! A farmer had lost 4 ewes, had 3 injured and 2 completely disappeared in what looked like a stray dog attack! We all know it happens but thenas i read a little further the plot thickened! These ewes werent just attacked by a stray these were attacked by someone who knew exactly what they were doing! Two were found completely skinned! Is there any justice in it! They wont get caught but its the innocent law abiding hunters that take the flack! It gives a
  13. Poor Rocket Dog you gotta love it! If you were hungry enough a meerkat would taste good! :sick:
  14. I didnt know that! Im gonna have a rant now! I used to work for some in a pizza house! They are the most pervy people you have ever come across! Lurid, crude remarks to young girls! Its going to be a nightmare when they all get off the boat! No Wonder were in recession all these fuckers coming here for a free ride on our government! Really pisses me off! Im looking for a tattoo artist who will ink the words WHITE POWER on me if anyone knows of one Nick Griffin for PM BNP all the way!!!
  15. dotty doo your right i moved down to devon after 19 years in n.wales and people are so frickin stuck up. still most ignorant i feel would have to be them dirty b*****d turks! Passport dodging fuckers!! Hate them with a passion!! Most pleasent definately the scots! Mon the Scots!!
  16. I was just watching this weeks episode of meerkat manor when it suddenly dawned on me, how much fun it would be to put a dog to ground and see what happend! I believe theyre nasty b*****ds by all accounts and will attack a venemous snake! What are your thoughts on unusual animals we could hunt from the ground! Armadillo maybe?? What would be the best breed of dog for which animal??
  17. Cheers! Its as best a place as any to try and make some contacts!
  18. Is there anyone out there in the Dartmoor area thats got room for a tagalong sometime! New to the area so difficult to make contacts. Get in touch!
  19. But like i said im new to this game, i dont know alot but need to expand my knowledge, i wouldnt want to put her on now i think shes to young! I want people like you to help me not sit on there comp with nothing else better to do, thinking this guys full of shit lets trip him up! I Just want to make sure i have got the right tool for the job so to speak! Anybody with any other tips priv msg me!
  20. Right then lads, Im new to this game and need a question answering! I now its illegal now! But what was the best dog then in your opinions to put on charlies maybe more! Any help will be much appreciated. Cheers!
  21. Get a few of your lads together invite him out one night to see the dog work, then nail the B*****D! Slap him with your digging shovel or something!
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