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Everything posted by HuntingOnline1

  1. sorry to heer bout that mate, good luck findin them... ill keep a look out round heer, long way away, but still ill keep a lok for you
  2. sorry to heer bout that mate, good luck findin them... ill keep a look out round heer, long way away, but still ill keep a lok for you
  4. yhh bur not fresh carrot, onli tinned long way for propa carrot:(
  5. naah just set thjem 2dai. i put sliced apple for now as i didnt hav carrot
  6. any one fanci any of these then?
  7. hey, i have just finished makeing a rabbit trap and was wondering, what is the best places to put them and what is the best baitsfor them ??
  8. heyy, any one help me with makeing any homemade rabbit traps?
  9. Rottie X Lab : Dappy Jack Russel : Toby
  10. Heres ma rottweiler cross lab and ma jack russel. not huntin in pic as they still pups and ma JRT still; havnt had injections
  11. shootn, like maybe a call, or a decoy, or any thing else you dont want in your house do tdo with hunting
  12. any one got any good fox calls that are mp3 or know where to download them?? Thank You, Jake
  13. true.... still i though it was worth a try... didnt know any where to ask.. might print out some cards like put 1 in a shop window or smin:P post em thru farmers letter boxes:P
  14. Hey, im jake and am dooing a litle pest controll. in exchange for permision to hunt your land. i can use the following methods ; Gun, Dog, Trap/Snare in south wales, close to merthur or tradegar... Rhymney i live in but if i can get there i will try... i am 15 so if you are interester email my Hunting Online mail it is H.o2009@hotmail.co.uk tell me if interester and what methods you will allow me to use. Thank You, Jake
  15. HAHA LOL why de f** did i ask usa lol i no uk buur im way to far:( sorry [bANNED TEXT] i wud uthawise
  16. electronic book [bANNED TEXT] like one i typed up on pc, so it wont be on paprer, youl have to reed it on the pc, ill send by email... any one interested? im lookin to swap that for some starter hunting equipment
  17. Hey, i have some hunting ebooks, i have rabbit deer crow and coyote.. i am willing to trade you any unwanted equipmet as i am quite new to hunting and need some equipment to start me off.. any offers??? Thank You, Jake
  18. hey.. any one know how to make a homemade/makeshift crow call and a croww call insert... and also a makeshift or homemade decoy for crow.. also whats the best way in luring the crow to land close?? Thank You, Jake
  19. hey, i am 15, and have just finished writing some ebooks, I have a rabbit one, a deer one, a crow one, and a coyote one... they have some info on the animal, blind location and setup, the best weather to hunt them in, where to find them and how to locate them then some facts on voice/ comunication, habitat, habits, breeding, nesting, enimies, migration and then some recipies for them !! i will be willing to trade any hunting equipment that you dont want, and that you dont use eg calls, traps or any thing to do with hunting as i am young and am looking into startig hun
  20. i wuda had it but onli 15 me mam wont lemmi have 1
  21. hey, i have just finished dooin a ebook on rabbit hunting. i am only 15, so it wont be the best, but it has alot of info on rabbit hunting, and also has some tastey recipies for you i am willing to accept and old hunting equipment you have lying around the house that you dont use or you dont want any more. eg, calls, or traps or whatever... any hunting equipment reeli any offers?? Thank You, Jake
  22. Fox cage trap and thousends of snares reeli anoys me as i know they wernt taken by an animal because the thickness of the wire and the knot i tie is unbeleivably strong!! realy anooys me
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