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Everything posted by HuntingOnline1

  1. any one know the best carp bait that i can make myself, or buy in the shop?? whats worked best for you? post back Thank You Jake
  2. any hunting programs on or freeview... what r they called... and at what time.... and what channel + number thank you Jake
  3. smk, i am getting a new one, only payd a tenner for this one. but im savin for a new gun and as im only 15, not many ways to save 140 pund:L so im not going to spend no more money on a scope when im savin for a gun any help?
  4. hello everyone. my crosshair has brokeon my scope, and itdosnt look asif it is zoomed anyome, just looks like it is zoomed out or the same as if it didnt have magnified. any help???
  5. mostly rabbit and fox im lookingfor.. any one know where to download any from or any cheap ones?
  6. any one know where i can download any hunting movies online for free? or could any one send me some hunting dvds for free maybe?? Thank You, Jake
  7. only one thing to say to them.. SIK, and hope they get put away, and then kicked to death by all the prisoners sorry to hear about that.
  8. thats how i make my snares, just twist n a loop. it does hold, you just need to twist it tight
  9. tru truu.. didnt fink of that :L thanks for puttin me right ther mate
  10. were i am there are no rabbits whatsoever now. well maby the odd 1 or two around.. this mixy dooin my head in. if my dog catches one and eats it, will it harm the dog or not?? write back plz?? Thank You, Jake
  11. onli problem wif settin fenns in a place wif ducks nd duklins..... if the ducks or the ducklins walk on it.... bye bye ducklins.... now so bad for ducks but it will break their leg
  12. Deer can run up to 40 mph. Deer can also jump 15 to 20 feet in length. The largest deer can get up to 6 feet tall. Deer are vegetarians, and they feed mostly on plants. Deer eat different things depending on what season it is. Scouting plays perhaps the most critical role in your deer hunt. A few hours spent out in the field before the season can make all the difference when the season starts. Here are some things to keep in mind as your scout the areas you are planning to hunt the season and what signs to look for. 1. Finding the best location is the key to a successful deer
  13. its called the hunters guide. it was previously all in 1. but i thaught not every one hunts everything. so i put them in different 1ns. ill post sum bits of it now...
  14. :o:o im agreein with greatwhitehunter on this one JPTfellterrier stunnin runforyourlife stunnin any of yuu passing by newport cardiff anytime soon? both beautifull girrls FIT
  15. ill have 1. how much we lookin at ?
  16. ill post some pages.. any one want a preview of a specific book?? rabbit coyote deer or crow?? Thank You, Jake
  17. have just seen a mouse last night rununder my front door uner the doorstep.. and also have suspicions there are rats out the back round my shed... any ideas on a mouse trap and a rat trap?? pictures would also be very helpfull and also what baits should i use?? Thank You Jake
  18. any luck with the traps mate??? keep us posted... Jake
  19. put some chopped/diced carrots around the area you are goin to put the trap, every day for about a week befor trapping, then the day yuu trap, put some carrots around the trap (small amount) then more in the cage
  20. thanks mate last JR i had i taught him with a rabbit... and then tied the dead rabbit to rope and ran round the garden with it then let the dog chase it so he gets used to it, then took him up and got me bro to hold the rabbit, close by, then dragged the rabbit along the floor, and hid it in various holed and corners, untill he got it every time.
  21. im not sure what theyr called,but you usually see them places there are crows
  22. heyy i was wondering any one know how to make a bird trap... for any type ofbird, mainly crows magpy and smaller ones... pictures and tutorials would be helpfull thank you Jake
  23. i have a jack russel pup,and was wondering what would be the best way to train it for rabbits?? and what age its best to start them?? Thak You Jake
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