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Everything posted by supersam

  1. Thanks for the replys lads and here ya go gentle
  2. went down to a friend in co,kerry yesterday and fished overnight in a local spot, was a bit slow and we got a few dogfish as ya do but we got a few nice bass and a flounder to end off a good night. i lost a nice ray too just as i was about to land him he spat the hook but thats the way it goes sometimes...
  3. Where is argalinn kid? never heard of that place well dont run your dogs up the track addy(nbk) as there slow as fook
  4. @gaz well they do get a cuddle from time to time
  5. i did in me eye ,he never fished with me again and too make it worrse hes never ever caught a bass ha ha it gets better,remind me to duck you when i come down for a bit of fishing
  6. ha ha ha..priceless bet as your an nice ol fella you handed him the rod and let him play in the fish
  7. Thats a cracker kid..where have you been hiding that pic and story
  8. thanks mate...i was using a rapala double jointed black over silver floating plug... i got another that day over 11lb...there the only too iv ever got in double figures and got them both within 20 mins of each other
  9. bet that lurcher was a better fisherman than you ha ha....
  10. ha ha well it does look all white from the pics i put of him doesnt it.. but its half and half.... here is a better pic of him....
  11. cracking bass there.. my biggest to date... 14lb 2 oz
  12. ha ha the brindle whippet in the last pic actually missed that rabbit i dont know how lol... yes the black dog took that one though... there all dogs kid but the black dog is 4/8 grey,3/8 whippet,1/8 saluki
  13. some great looking kennels lads and lasses and thanks barni
  14. ya but there not that strong! i had to put a sheet off mesh on the terrier run cause they were bursting out through! suppose there strong enough for free! yes when there for free they will do kid
  15. thanks gaz..yes they will have eleckie,running water and ill be pumping insulation into the cavity too
  16. there excellent runs chippy.... dogs must have a happy life out there seems like your handy at the ol woodwork too them mesh panels are the ones that the use to close off a site arent they.. the look the biz too
  17. good point thanks for the advice i have the dogs inside at night at the mo so should be safe enough, i will be putting up cctv cameras on the runs along with plenty of locks just to make it hard for anyone wishing to take mine.
  18. play ha ha.. she had the mad eyes going kid... was funny with that rooster too and thanks kid they should be if i ever get the bloody things done
  19. sounds good chippy not paying for anything but screws...the best thing for me was not paying for the 6ft double glazed windows as i think they would have put a dent in my wallet but good when your in the trade and pick up the bits and pieces for free aint it
  20. i never have mate..think i had some stuff lying around a good few years...no point in paying for too much when people will give some stuff away that can be used
  21. thoses kennels are shit hot mate , if u dont mind me asking what price ruffly would it cost to make some like that ? well its standing me around 1000 euro,s so far but iv got the windows for free off a friend and alot of other stuff that i picked up when houses were finishesd and the owners wanted rid of unwanted thing i took them,like the roof tiles,all the blocks for the foundation,the steel and another few bits and pieces,think if you would pay for everythin so far would be roughly 2,500 euro,s plus labour as me and the brother has done it all so far.. regards SS
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