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Everything posted by supersam

  1. i didnt say 1ml for a lurcher,i said 1ml for every 25kg in weight so depending on the weight of your lurcher you dose it accordinly. for livestock the dose is given a week intervals for up to 6 weeks depending on what livestock your treating and how badly its affected. usually its given for 6 weeks with sheep. for a dog then 2 treatments is enough. the back of the bottle tells ya nothing about doeses for dogs by the way and it just comes with experience of using it on them and i find 2 treatments to be addaquite. iv never had a flea or tick on mine ever so the dosage i give mine seem to b
  2. you can get ivermec from a farmers supplier. it is injected and the dose is 1ml for every 25kg in weight. you give the dog a shot and another shot a week later. you give the dog the shot in the scruff of the neck and it does burn a bit so a good rub of the neck area after the dose is givin. it kills flea,s,ticks,treats mange and certain type of worm but not ring worm,so you will have to get the normal worm dose for the dog also.
  3. for those who have asked. this is a quick vid of the sire ferreting when he was around 9 months old. http://s35.photobucket.com/albums/d171/ross300bhp/?action=view&current=11112007-1.flv
  4. cheers lad. there not at mine but there on a mat on a wodden floor with areoboard underneath and a heat lamp over them. there were all asleep when i went in and none have been lost out of the litter so far so even though i would have had shredded papers down they still seem to be doing great and seem to be comfortable. regards SS
  5. cheers lad. the bitch has done well with em
  6. thanks lad and very true.the camera is defo out now lol
  7. pmsl and been there done that lad. why do ya think i drive around in a range rover
  8. cheers lad and they should do
  9. thanks lad, and me too lol. but it will have big boots to fill there lad a few pics of the sire in action. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=143681&st=15&p=1455301&fromsearch=1entry1455301
  10. thanks lad. as its mainly rabbits i do then no need for bullx
  11. cheers mlb i do like the blue one too but i really like em all my little sister wanted to take em all home the pups are 9/16 grey,3/16 whippet and collie and 1/16 saluki
  12. thanks collie/grey the get plenty of excercise and work to keep them in tip top condition Just the way it should be, credit to both of you. thanks collie/grey
  13. cheers for the comment. thought the buddy would have taken em off but a bit late now. saying that the sire and dam have theirs and in 4 hard seasons have had no trouble.
  14. thanks lad. she has done well so far with her first litter thats for sure
  15. thanks collie/grey the get plenty of excercise and work to keep them in tip top condition
  16. Mighty pups sam, anything grabed your eye on the litter yet,, thanks casso. i think there all little crackers. the blue bitch did catch my eye but my buddy is hanging onto her lol. but the blue/fawn bitch with the white tip on its tail in the first pic looks really good to. think the light fawn with blue mask dog is a lovely too so to answer your question then no they all look great to me
  17. cracking pics lad. he looks in tip top nic him ps.the black and white pics are ace
  18. sound mate all the best with them cheers lad
  19. cheers lads the dam is 5/8 3/8 grey,collie and the sire is 4/8 grey 3/8 whippet and 1/8 saluki so if my maths are correct the pups are 9/16 grey,3/16 collie and whippet and 1/16 saluki
  20. i bred my black lurcher to a friends bitch. the pups are 2 1/2 weeks old. only went up to see them today and took a few pics. 7 bitches and 1 dog pic of the sire and dam. the pups. there all nice and healthy which im happy about
  21. looks bad made and a heavy bit of kit also!!!!as the ply looks to be 1/2 or 3/4 inch where 1/8 inch is better for a ferret box. no need for such thick ply.a tacked and glued 1/8" is perfect and light. screws seem to be sticking out on yours also think the best place for that is in the fire
  22. what would ya want a 3/4 bull 1/4 whippet to do in the field?
  23. its very hard to tell by pics imo! he looks very flat footed in one of the pics too but that could just be they way the pic is taken. a closer pic would be better for assessment.
  24. have to agree that lamping and ferreting this time of year is not only harmful to your dog running on such hard ground but it is to you ferreting in such hot contitions where digging nests or young rabbits out to be a problem. where ferrets will drag young around the burrow just before ya break through into the set. if ya have no other choice then snares and traps to keep the permission. as especially ferreting this time of of year is a no no for me!
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