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Everything posted by supersam

  1. Nice bitch you have.very like a dog my brother has
  2. Nice dog ebo.You must have great memories.sad to see them get old and slowing down but like yourself I have great memories and had some great sport with my old dog.
  3. Who still has there old workers.. then and now pics.
  4. bit late on the reply have not been online in ages. he is whippetxcolliexgrey
  5. where in ireland are ya?
  6. youve just got this pup and ya want to take it lamping? do you think he is ready? some people have certain start off ages for there dogs on the lamp. for me i start mine when i think there ready. it seems like you have just got this dog and ya just want to take it out. get to know and bond with the dog first.some trips out ferreting as ferreting is less strenious for a pup and then after a while ferreting you will know when the dog is ready for the next step into lampin. to say if a pup is started that early and will be stop dead when its 13-14 months old is nonsence. the dog in my avat
  7. yes he was.he now uses loop leash. there is no knot when using a loop leash.ya have a hard rubber stopper on one side of the leash and the loop on the other side. ya put the loop through you swivel right down to the rubber stopper.then the leash goes through the ring on your perch then back through the swivel.the loop then goes up over the rubber stopper.ya pull it tight and the loop comes out of the swivel and pulls tight against the leash and the ring. very easy to do with one hand and no knots and no way the hawk can undo it
  8. i mean in general. a friend of mine,s hawk undone 4 falconary knots and was away. he thought it had been stolen as he didnt think a hawk would be able to undo 4 knots but it did. he was very lucky to get the hawk back as a local shooter shot down a pheasant and hs hawk came down on top of it. was lucky his hawk didnt get hung up. with the loop leash there is no way the hawk can undo the leash
  9. Cheer's for the info.. . why not use a loop leash? that way ya dont have to worry about your hawk undoing knots
  10. on the high ring perch i use its a light but strong plastc ring and the hawk has no problems sitting on one leg and my hawk is only a small 50/50 german finnish male. also i find when he does bate and goes around like a helicopter that he lands qute soft on the ground. iv had problems putting a gos on a bow perch just out of the aviary as when it bated forwards he rowed with his wings on the ground and damgaed his primiares.he was an imprint hawk too and after a day or 2 he was fine on the bow. i do find that my p/r hawk prefers the higher perch and at the extra height compared to the bow h
  11. Vision is no use underground , and you do get messed up ferrets mate. I've seen them with swaying heads and also waltzing ferrets, where they go round in circles, something genetically wrong with the inner ear I think, only seen these problems in albinos. I just get no pleasure in breeding defective animals. That's my point mate, r.e whether the loss of vision is really a hindrance to a working ferret? My other point was, with regard to albinos being 'defective', while i agree that they are more likely to become defective, it cannot be such a likely thing, as breeding albino ferr
  12. iv worked albino,s since i was a kid and i had only one that was blind in one eye. even so he was a very good worker
  13. Albinos are the way to go me thinks, safer, for the Ferret. safer for the hawk lol i think if one used poley,s all the time the bop would suss it out that the ferret is not prey. bop are very smart and i dont think it would take them long to get used to whatever ferret ya used be it albino or poley e.t.c. but i use the albino ferrets always so mine are used to that type of ferret. i have no doubt if i used a different colour ferret in a few outings the bird would be fine with it
  14. i use both but prefer the high ring perch for a gos.they seem more settled on the higher perch
  15. i use albino ferrets under my gos hawk and as a youngster he would bate at the the ferret but after a few outing,s he knew he was part of the team,never bated towards the ferret since.often the ferret would come out of a burrow and travel 20 yards or so to the next burrow and still the hawk would be calm on the fist. also when weathering he was in plain sight of the ferret in his hutch. on one occassion though a mate of mine had poley,s and he was mad to get at them but id say givin a few outings hed be fine.
  16. iv had patterdale,s,russel,s,border,s and some were excellent ferreting dogs.great for marking,catching bolters as the exiting the holes and very good when ferreting heavy hedgerow,s,not only catching rabbit in the heaver cover or pushing them out for the lurchers. happened often the terrier would catch more than the lurcher or whippet in a day but i do prefer lurchers as there just more exciting to watch chashing bolters that break free from the burrow and make a suicidal dash across the field. i just have lurchers now..
  17. looking alot better now on the road to full recovery now. best of luck with the dog lad
  18. shut it ya langer you once had a dot of a tattoo and cryed like a schoolgirl. thats true
  19. i use red mills 20% protien for off season work and the same brand but 28% protien for working season. €10 a 15kg bag which is roughly £8 a bag. do mix it with pasta,rice,tuna,garlic,rabbit e.t.c.
  20. hope ya dont get a tattoo of one of the pups as it might look like one of me hawks
  21. if any ye feckers can comment then i can as after all charlie boy is my brother. i do really like the eyes but if i was getting a tattoo of my dog then i would want it to look exactly like him!! the tattoo look a little bit like charlie but for me its a long way off!!more like a bullx!!! sorry rod!
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