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Stuart O Connor

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Everything posted by Stuart O Connor

  1. James Wellbeloved or Wagg Worker. I also add in fish (poached, or tins of sardines in tomato sauce), raw eggs, or chicken to one feed, plain complete food for the second of the day. Same i add chiken egg tuna fresh macrel etc What is an example of a complete food ? And would they be as high in protien as red mills 28%
  2. I have mine on red mills racer mixed with whatever meat i have eg rabbit, lamb, beef heart, mince etc and there grand ! What type of dry feed is also good for lurchers as alot of people say red mills is sh**e ?
  3. Saw a blonde/white ish colour one about a month back walking alongside a normal red one was in the car though on the dule carridgeway couldnt get a pic !
  4. What do you work as mate lol alot of time on your hands id say There some well muscled dogs Unreal pics mate like the coffee efect
  5. Not having a go or anything mate but such a good catch/ catch rate deserves a pic Sound a good dog should try him in the lamp comp next year with 40/44 Atb Stuart
  6. Lovely looking litter mate love the brindle bitch especially But sorry for being ignorint but what breed is the sire as im from ireland and dont know of him ?
  7. I know of one she gets fierce skin and feet/joint problems and not the best of stamina ! Id stay with a 3/4 myself but they would make a good breeding bitch !
  8. I also would be interested in non ped whippet racing if any knows of any around the south of ireland Much apreciated Stuart
  9. Got my collie x off a dogy man in the country for nothing he bred the litter so he could have1 himself and gave away the rest and mine is turning out fantastic last two outings on the lamp picked up 5 out of 5 and 6 out of 6 ( only rabbit ) so not missing much and just turned 2 this week !
  10. If i dont cook them i always freeze them for 2 weeks and take them out and leave them thaw and feed raw.
  11. Id feed them about 2 a week if i have time id boil them with some veg but mainly raw skined and gutted ! Mixing them wit veg and red mills But i usually get mince and heart in the local butcher so i usually giv the rabbit to the ferrets Atb Stuart
  12. Anyone have another link to this video as it has been removed ?
  13. You're a hard case trapsing around the city on xmas eve looking for dog collars, of all the days like! I had to laugh Well the family always goes into town x-mass eve for a meal so i was in there anyway ! But i got the muzzle and the greyhound collar and lead set in there last year but they dont have them anymore !
  14. You're a hard case trapsing around the city on xmas eve looking for dog collars, of all the days like! I had to laugh Well the family always goes into town x-mass eve for a meal so i was in there anyway ! But i got the muzzle and the greyhound collar and lead set in there last year but they dont have them anymore !
  15. Forgot to mention you must have kept him grand and fit because that breed wouldnt be anyones first choice for racing
  16. Most stunning lurcher I,ve seen in a long time an absolute credit to you Not blowing my own trumpet in any way or full of my own shit but most people that see him say he looks fantastic and is a good example but i have only got one 2nd place in all the shows iv went to this year so i dont think ill enter him in shows next year ? Or will i giv it another year ?
  17. He is a collie grey bull grey Nicely put together pal You must have went to every show there was Every right to be proud mate
  18. Just wondering where to get tripe for the dogs as iv been getting beef hearts and mince but heard tripe was good too ? Tried in the local butchers but is there a difference between the tripe prepared for us than tripe people give to there dogs ? Anyone around Cork area ? Replys much apriciated Stuart
  19. Was going to try there alright might go out during the week ! Thanks for all the replys
  20. Just been in town x-mass eve and went into all the pet shops in the city looking for greyhound/whippet collars and racing muzzles for the game fairs next year anyone around the south of ireland particularly cork no of any where i can get them ? Much apriciated stuart
  21. And the russell just over 1 year old!
  22. My whippet pup only 6 months old
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