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Stuart O Connor

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Everything posted by Stuart O Connor

  1. none of tat wit us race over 23inchs and under 23inchs would u sell me tat pup or do u know where would pick up one for racing Is there a class for whippets ? Or would they be classed as under 23" ? Nah but keep an eye on Done Deal theres 1 on there atm a pup papers n all ! for time being its just under 23 so wat ever is uuder this all run together Thats grand so ! Will you be running any yourself ?
  2. Shes a non ped and is just about 18" tts So she has no papers so cant race in ped racing ! none of tat wit us race over 23inchs and under 23inchs would u sell me tat pup or do u know where would pick up one for racing Is there a class for whippets ? Or would they be classed as under 23" ? Nah but keep an eye on Done Deal theres 1 on there atm a pup papers n all !
  3. He races at all the local shows and does very well winnig a good couple Cant wait for that been looking everywhere for racing clubs as they look to be good fun And the whippet pup 6 month old he nice pup he looks strong for whippet ont he...ya we being doing this good while now i ran them but now we ave a club so we going to start up flapping on summer evenings so can keep everyone intreasted see can u get lads to come Shes a non ped and is just about 18" tts So she has no papers so cant race in ped racing !
  4. ya a club lad being at this for past few years be worth your while has your dog done a bit of racing befor do u keep many dogs would there be many other lads down there intreasted Ya the collie x greyhound has won quite a few doing well in the field so should do respectable ! But the pup is only young yet but showing great signs So only have 1 proper racing dog for this year and the whippet pup only in pup classes id say ! Ya should be if this club has regular races and any good ill spread the word should be a good couple of lads around that would be interested ! where were ya raci
  5. f**k a duck that is actually the worst thing i have ever seen. I stopped watching when the screwdriver come out Isnt it Sick ba***rds boy !
  6. Not every man would do that for a pup Fair play mate Lucky the other dog didnt follow you in !
  7. This is the collie x greyhound that i will be racing at about 23/24"
  8. ya a club lad being at this for past few years be worth your while has your dog done a bit of racing befor do u keep many dogs would there be many other lads down there intreasted Ya the collie x greyhound has won quite a few doing well in the field so should do respectable ! But the pup is only young yet but showing great signs So only have 1 proper racing dog for this year and the whippet pup only in pup classes id say ! Ya should be if this club has regular races and any good ill spread the word should be a good couple of lads around that would be interested !
  9. Think thats bad put 3 guys 1 hammer bit off topic but saw this nearly got sick :sick: Its actually REALLY bad !!!
  10. I would defo go to this ! Is it going to be a club as in regular events or once off ? I have a collie x greyhound and a 6 month old whippet bitch ! Hope its a success ATB Stuart
  11. I feed as much raw meat and bone as i can and trip etc
  12. Thats some bitch mate Credit to you
  13. What is the result to the dog if you feed dry food wit raw meet ?
  14. Ya they get loads of veg aswell ! Thanks alot bud
  15. Ya there doing fine on red mills and meat tripe chiken etc ! But sometimes i mix a small bit of working dog feed with it and wondering would this feed be alright ? But they mainly get heart tripe chicken rabbit etc ! Alot of people saying Red mills is sh*t though ? Usedto have them on Gain greyhound what do ye think of this feed ?
  16. Looking for some ideas on ferret runs as im looking to build a new one in a couple of weeks ? So wuold like pics of yours ? Heres what i have now !
  17. I know theres LOADS of topics on feed but i got a bag of Dr. John working dog feed today to mix with meat and stuff ! I have my lurcher and whippet pup ( 6 month ) on red mills racer ( 28% ) meat tripe etc mixed with a complete feed atm ! Anyone use this Dr. John ( 18% protien ) or advice on a good complete working feed to mix with red mills and meet tripe etc ? Much apriciated Stuart
  18. Nice pup that Stuart:thumbs:, where did you get her from? Frank. Got her from a man called Graham in dublin !
  19. Like them to put the hare under pressure from the off ! And on the lamp my fella dives into the ditch straight away pushing the rabbit back out or pulling him out himself
  20. What breeding is that mate, is it a cross? it looks alot like my boy, here at 3 months Sire was laguna sooty sam lines but Dam was just a working whippet so just whippet in her no papers though !
  21. And again Not the best pics but should get some more over the weekend !
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