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Everything posted by steve109

  1. women are like Hurricanes When they turn up they are wet and wild when they go they take your house and car.
  2. Try Youtube for basic info.
  4. I have plenty of spare African skins but setting it up is a whole new ball game from European stuff. At the moment you have things easy, until you start on this African, then the game changes...
  5. Thanks, Do you do much African work.
  6. I was on the same hunt but there not my kills. My stuff is still in the freezer...
  7. Sounds like david Cameron.
  8. Just on the news now, died age 84
  9. maybe they will do a van version Think I will wait for the 4x4 version.
  10. Would look great with the dogs in the back seat..
  11. I would send it up to Miroku Moocher.
  12. Rob58 What i'm saying is its a good idea to study some anatomy or take some sort of training before you start work on clients trophies. If you need any advice I will gladly give you my number. Regards steve.
  13. Before you work on a clients trophy, You need some anatomy lessons. Quote from DH. Sadly it looks to be going the way it did in the Victorian Days when anyone and everyone is having a go and calling themselves a Taxidermist. For the best results always use a Taxidermist who is recognised by the UK Guild of Taxidermists as a Specialist or Accredited Taxidermist , you can be sure that these people have proved their ability through a qualification style system and by adhering to a strict set of guidelines. Anyone calling themselves a Taxidermist but not having attained the standards mentione
  14. Depends how good you want it.
  15. X 2 on the crelant, they are a decent bit of kit.
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