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Everything posted by hiluxmk3

  1. Febuary Fox just about springtime.... i hate when guys open cans of worms dont you JohnGalway
  2. wish i could shoot as good as you, you are amazing, TWO headshots.... DOES THIS COUNT.... as i was aiming for the LEFT eye not bad though at 265 yds
  3. In the dark is best, BUT SPRINGTIME IS THE HARDEST MONTHS TO SHOOT FOXES AS THEY ARE VERY SMART BY NOW, JohnGalway CAN YOU GIVE ME ANY TIPS ON CALLING IN THESE SMART fOXES as reading some of your posts i would assume you are an expert at everything...LOL LOL LOL. I can only manage about 300 - 400 a year so not as good as you Any advice would be great or even some calling tips you could post on here to help us all out OH i wish i was you
  4. :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4: :wankerzo4:
  5. YEP you are right... I will stick to the fox shooting, the only thing you have ever SHOT is your load flicking through freemans catalogue in the ladies underwear section LOL LOL LOL
  6. just for you JohnGalway Not very smart spring FOX, any other month you think Foxes are at there smartest
  7. NICE FOXES...monte, see all the twats are replying to my post, looks like there is only 2 of us who can show pictures of winter Foxes
  8. Do you want a gun that looks good ??? or one that shoots good, all the pimping in the world doesnt make a good gun shoot well, try a few if you can before you decide on which one. Ever been on a pheasant shoot where they all appear with the latest gear on smart as f**k, then you see them shooting, look out for the guy with the run of the mill gear on, he will be the one that shoots best, in other words its the same with the gun it dont need to look good as long as it shoots good. in my opinion only... the brno cz is good value for money and shoots great rough and ready but built to
  9. Nobody else got any pics. come on guys lets see them !!!
  10. Its great how all the Fox Shooters come out the woodwork Aug/Sept time with there pictures, so easy to shoot cubs, lets get the real Foxshooters on here to show a few pics of winter foxes... Iwill start 1st just a couple to get going with hiluxmk3
  11. Same thing with me one night, whacked one with the 243 and same as you done a loop the loop and disapeared into the bushes, went to investegate, and sure enough there it was lying flat out looking more like 3lb of mince. LOL
  13. went out last night mate lamped first bunny and bulb blown I always have 3 spare bulbs when lamping
  14. I am afraid to report that all the FREE cd,s are now spoken for, here are the members who will recieve one. Trapperman Ashales Spiderpig Shotgun Mackie153 Please guys REMEMBER it cost me to give you these, so please no copying and selling, if you know of anyone who wants one tell them to get in touch. THEY ARE ONLY £5 POSTED !!! I know these will improve your Fox Calling skills, i have put a lot of work into these calls and know they bring them in, to save you all messing around with the calls i would start with track 6 but be ready, you will be very surprised how well th
  15. Only one left, a few replies with no address, 1st come 1st served
  16. i have been asked a few times regarding my fox call c.d. i have posted on here a few weeeks ago. So here we go 20 fox calls not downloaded from the internet, you all know the sites, the free calls that last a few seconds, these were produced by me back in 2004. You can see the calls and times of each call in the picture below.... First five to P.M. me there Name Address & Postcode gets one FREE... You can then let the other members on the site know if they are any good, but please try 1st track 6 works best for me. I will post them on Monday morning to the lucky five,
  17. That's expensive but if you zoom in it says it will take 3-6 bottles to do an elk, caribou, bear or moose so one bottle is going to do a good few rabbit pelts still wouldn't wanna use it on a mass scale. 3 - 4 bottles for Elk Moose or Bear, have you seen the size of those types of animals much much larger than a cow for example
  18. That's expensive but if you zoom in it says it will take 3-6 bottles to do an elk, caribou, bear or moose so one bottle is going to do a good few rabbit pelts still wouldn't wanna use it on a mass scale. Will do 2 x roe deer 3 - 4 fox and loads and loads of rabbits, you only use what you need from the bottle, this is for a proffetional tanned skin, not one done with salt that goes rock hard, or you can always use the brain of the animal you have in hand, but thats another topic.
  19. FOR HOLDING YOUR TITS UP Do you mean your Brother , if so why do you need to put him in a carry box ? I GIVE UP :stupid: Give up , you didnt get off the starting block , type properly & perhaps people will know exactly what it is you require , failing that get on e bay and buy one you scrounging twat DONT YOU GET IT YET !!! whats a BRA FOR Answer: HOLDING YOUR TITS UP !!! its a joke ... get real mate, you cant be that stupid. I did type properly that was the trick question braffur... bra for...If you were of SCOTTISH origin you would have seen the funny side
  20. FOR HOLDING YOUR TITS UP Do you mean your Brother , if so why do you need to put him in a carry box ? I GIVE UP :stupid:
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