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Everything posted by hiluxmk3

  1. I take it your a romantic person,going by your music choice
  2. http://www.thehuntinglife.com/forums/index...=115266&hl= look here
  3. I would go and introduce myself to the local keeper and ask if he requires any help when the pheasant shoot starts, or even ask if you can help around the estate in anyway (dont expect to be paid) for this.... If you have a dog even better (working dog ) more chance of getting in there on beating days i think the going rate is around £20 - £25 but not very sure, no doubt someone on here will know. hiluxmk3
  4. Try it it at night when you have spotted a fox in the lamp, BE READY THOUGH
  5. You would have bought it from me on ebay and you would have paid around £20 for it. I produced it in 2004 its called red fox calls and it cost £2 plus delivery i think i might still have it its a double cd i think if thats any help to u mate Post a picture of it on here to let us all see, we can judge for ourselfs if its the same one.... dont know why you would need 2 c.ds its less than mins long it has a fox lying inthe grass on front off it it does look the same cd with red fox calls on it Is this the c.d. you have.... If it is then its one of mine, if you
  6. easy to sort this kind of problem i would have thought, can the moderators not stop this activity and only allow one member per IP address unless they contact you to say that for example there son wants to join up from the same IP address and can assure that the site wont be used for the kind of activity you mention. hiluxmk3 Well said. The essence of the original post has been lost! Nice foxes though. dont worry it does get sorted , i was just saying what makes people tick when they have to do things like that they need to get out more , there is not alot get past us mods go
  7. NOT if you have 4 magas as i do when rabbit shooting, i also have 2 x 10 shots that i tape together so when one was out flip it round and away you go with 10 more, granted the 10 shot ones are a pain and i find they stick a lot (jamm up ) so best using 5 shot if you can get a few extra mags. my mate has a semi auto ruger, i think he uses far to much ammo as he gets over exited if he misses a bunny LOL i tend to walk on his left side when shooting if not you tend to get clobbered with emptys
  8. NOT with the 5 shot, you must have a 10 shot on yours
  9. 22 subsonic top of the skull, no mess,job done, always getting phone calls from local police to help with dispatch, even shot a full grown cow that was involved in an RTA with a van, was trying to get to her calf 3 fields away over the main A7 Borders to Edinburgh road
  10. As Sporting Shooter says get yoursela brno cz great value for money, if you are buying 2nd hand look on the left hand side of the barrel near where the rifle ID number is , all cz rifles have the year they were madein the factory stamped there as well, gives you an indication to how long they have been used ie:1998 it will have been sold upto two years later so 2000 is when it was 1st used ( rough guideline )
  11. easy to sort this kind of problem i would have thought, can the moderators not stop this activity and only allow one member per IP address unless they contact you to say that for example there son wants to join up from the same IP address and can assure that the site wont be used for the kind of activity you mention. hiluxmk3
  12. here was me thinking it was snares traps cars etc: never thought about High Powered Rifles blowing a leg off and leaving the fox with a massive injury which would bleed the fox do death, the ones in the pictures i shot had clean amputations of the lower limb, not like you would expext from a gunshot wound, more like the leg beng caught in a trap or snare. HEY BUT I AM NO EXPERT THIS IS ONLY MY OPINION
  13. You would have bought it from me on ebay and you would have paid around £20 for it. I produced it in 2004 its called red fox calls and it cost £2 plus delivery i think i might still have it its a double cd i think if thats any help to u mate Post a picture of it on here to let us all see, we can judge for ourselfs if its the same one.... dont know why you would need 2 c.ds its less than mins long
  14. 100% correct.... i love the odd shot with the rifle myself so dont get me wrong but these rifle lads should try getting a suspicious fox within range for a dog... now thats skill does this count (ITS A CUB ) or even this one of my dog CHARLIE who i use to flush RABBITS out of the rashes on a big peat farm, the occational FOX comes out sometimes. As a hunter and Shooter so you say, you should be up with the law regarding FOXES and using dogs to course and kill them. NOW THATS SKILL LEARNING TO KEEP YOUR GOB SHUT AND NOT POST THINGS LIKE YOU SAY ON ANY PUBLIC FORUMS :oop
  15. I DONT NEED TO GOB OFF I KNOW WHERE MY SKILLS ARE AT, i am only replying to the prats that who try to ruin a perfectly good topic,if you look at the start of my post no bragging just a picture of a couple of foxes i have shot, hoping others would post likewise , which some did, but there is always the keyboard warriors wanting to FECK it all up, so in turn stops other guys posting there pictures for us all to see for fear of being ridiculed by NOB ENDS. I DONT NEED TO BRAG, MY C.V. SPEAKS FOR ITSELF.
  16. NICE ONE STUBBY name and shame the guy might not help you but will make others very aware
  17. more lamb chops for you in tesco thanks to the wonderfull job Fox Shooters do
  18. I have used them of course as i produced it, and they are the dogs BOLLOCKS when it comes to Fox/Predator calls, they were produced in Canada by myself and a friend, with the attention being that they would benifit North American Shooters as well as the Fox shooters over here as we only have OLD CHARLIE, North America have a few Coyote...Bobcat...Red Fox to name a few of the more common ones, wait and see the reports that come back from the 5 members who got one, i will admit there are a couple on there that are not much use here, but around % of the calls will have FOXY coming in, But there a
  19. You would have bought it from me on ebay and you would have paid around £20 for it. I produced it in 2004
  20. I have used them of course as i produced it, and they are the dogs BOLLOCKS when it comes to Fox/Predator calls, they were produced in Canada by myself and a friend, with the attention being that they would benifit North American Shooters as well as the Fox shooters over here as we only have OLD CHARLIE, North America have a few Coyote...Bobcat...Red Fox to name a few of the more common ones, wait and see the reports that come back from the 5 members who got one, i will admit there are a couple on there that are not much use here, but around % of the calls will have FOXY coming in, But there a
  21. THATS A CRACKER !!! would have made a nice pelt with its full winter coat, colouring and markings are up there with the best of them, looks like a VIXEN. cant see any marks on the pelt a take it you hit it on the chest. hiluxmk3
  22. Nice Shooting Has it got a touch of mange or was the dog ragging it, picture is not very clear due to the poor light. hiluxmk3
  23. Dave he is a plonker, have a look on youtube at some of his rifle handling, waving his loaded rifle throwing it over his shoulder, i questioned him regarding this, and his reply was he knew it was safe as only him and the camera man were around.....Pointed out to him that others looking at his gun handling methods would think that this was okay to do so as he was doing it in his video on how to shoot with a rifle, and that he was endorsed with a well known gun magazine.... He then declined to talk any further on the subject, even removed my question from his youtube comments page so no one el
  24. ALL GONE, please see other post regarding the c.d.
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