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Everything posted by hiluxmk3

  1. TRY USING IT FROM TRUCK CD PLAYER WITH AN EXTERNAL SPEAKER WORKS GREAT AND FAR BETTER THAN WALKING,mind you i am a lazy fcuk i have shot thousands with this cd, mind you i do it 5/6 nights a week every week. :tongue4:
  2. you wont get this on ebay as i am not selling it on there, but since you seem to know better than me show me the item No. and it wont be there long. I have seen fox calls on cd on ebay but they are all downloads looped together you can tell by how many tracks etc: Mines was produced after lots of testing with different distress calls, but if you want mice rats lambs and all the other crap they come with then feel free to go and buy calls that last for about 15 seconds or better download them for free on the net.
  3. yes as you can see its my name on copyright at the bottom. cheers Jimmy
  4. £5 posted if anyone intrested can take paypal. Regards Jimmy
  5. I have these 20 Fox Calls on C.D. for £5 posted to you, these are not downlosded calls from the net, they were produced by me in a recording studio in Canada a few years back, fantastic for calling Charlie in. Have a look at times for each call.
  6. buy 90 grain jacketed bullets ie:sierra are good for fox Vit n150 powder start load 28.9gr up to 32.8gr ROUGHLY 2600 FPS but you will get more rounds than me from a 1lb Tub I use H-VARGET with these heads Start load 34.0gr load will give you a vlocity of about 2900 - 3000 FPS
  7. I can only speak for S&B scopes there is no difference between German and Hungarian all parts are produced in Germany, Hungarian stamped scopes are assembled in Hungary as they are cheaper to build over there, hence the difference in price, quality is the same, although i have a 30 year old S&B 6 x 42 and a 5 year old S&B 6 x 42 and the older ones optics are better by far.
  8. Get the sender to mark scope as a gift and value is only $40 YOU WONT HAVE TO PAY IMPORT DUTY i do this all the time
  9. Toyota Hilux pickup mk3 or 4 is the best by LONG CHALK.... ONLY MY OPINION.... i have had most 4x4s
  10. Is it a single or Double Cab any pics. regards hiluxmk3 Hi, hope theese help. Thanks If its a 1998 should be a Mk4 1997 - 2001 (LN165 2.4TD) Looks like Mk3 1989 - 1997 (LN105 Diesel) correct me if i am wrong, still intrested though... regards Jimmy
  11. Is it a single or Double Cab any pics. regards hiluxmk3
  12. Car window wiper motor, is the best to use as you can have it intermitting slow or fast
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