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Everything posted by andyz

  1. Well done Darryl, just goes to show always keep a few calling cards on you as you never know whats round the corner! Looking foward to some footage and pics. ATB, Andy
  2. Great photos Laura, nice to see all the gang cathing up an getting a bit of practice before the meet!!! Shooting on mag x14 must have made those real close targets had, cold you even see them?? Well done all for getting out an doing what we all love!!! ATB, Andy
  3. Can't wait for this now!! Gonna be good good good. Regards Andy
  4. Bloody hell, your wish is my command!!!!! Fair play ArchieHood nice one! Chaz hope you get this sorted, I know how much you like this rifle ATB, Andy
  5. Happy Birthday buddy, I expected you'll well on your wa by now..... ATB, Andy
  6. Good shooting Steve and Dave, very nice size bag! Bloody hell that will be a lot of gutting! Worth the effort though lots of curry, stew and pies...... Happy hunting, ATB, Andy
  7. Nice one Steve, good to get out even in a full moon.... You need to speak to Davy when it comes to all things spooky!! Keep up the good work! ATB, Andy
  8. Hey Davy, Looks like the gang is getting pretty big now, the more the merrier!!! Gutted I didn't make it but will definately be up for it next week. No photos of the Jackdaw then? Its good to see everyone getting together, it looks like everyone had a great day. ATB, Andy
  9. Nice one Al, very good topic. It's good to get everyone thinking and just as interesting to read the responses. So, you didn't say you got the Bandit only went for it! how did the shot go?? ATB, Andy
  10. andyz

    The Farm

    Great piece of land the Rog3r, looks like you're gonna have a fantastic time there! As Ste said not too sure about the spider.... Looks like lovely ether there too,not like the we get over here!! Thanks for the pics. ATB, Andy
  11. Nice one, good to see you're pulling out all stops to gt ome permission. Nice thinking! Happy ratting, I'm sure you're gonna love it......... especially the first time one jumps for you!!!! LOL ATB, Andy
  12. Nice shooting there Steve, really clear footage as well! Looking forward to checking out your other vids. ATB, Andy
  13. Nice one Davy, that HW100 truely is a lovely rifle. Good to see you're keeping your bag nice and varied. I presume Chaz and Andy didn't get anything then??? Keep up the good write ups wih pics they always make good reading. Catch you soon, ATB, Andy
  14. Nice one, that's how to bag some permission!! Really looking forward to ready about your up and coming exploits obviously with pics. ATB, Andy
  15. Well that certainly sounds like a great trip, I'm the same boat as most people on here..... skint!! Would love to go on a trip like this someday, although I'm sad to say it won't be for a very long time!!! I'm there will be some lucky buggers on here that are able to go. ATB, Andy
  16. I do beleve there were some issues with the first release of the R10, although I do believe these are fixed now. As Zini has said both rifles will out shoot there owner as they are both super accurate. There are loads of people that own these rifles that can give you first hand advise through their experiences. ATB, Andy
  17. Really good photos buddy, they must hold great memories for you there Millsy, looks like you have a great history in shooting. It's nice being nosey.... ATB, Andy
  18. Nice shooting Andy, how do you find the smoothness of the HW100 compared to your R10?? Catch up soon buddy. ATB, Andy
  19. Great news for you buddy, I bet you can't wait to get out there and exploring your new surroundingds... Let us know how you get on!!! ATB, Andy
  20. I use a Daystate Mk 4, cant fault it really I let the gun down definately not the other way round!! I would say for the money a second hand AAS410 probably can't be beat! ATB, Andy
  21. Welcome Mike, As Davy has said practice, practice and practice..... nobody wants to injure any live quary and the only way to avoid that is by punching paper. It's surprising how much fun hitting paper and knock down targets actually is. You will also find loads of info in this forum and a great bunch of blokes are are more than hapy to pass on their wisdom. ATB, Andy
  22. Sounds like there was some realy high quality shooting there lads, it was a real shame I couldn't make it! 53 is an absolutely blinding score in good conditions let alone in extreme condiions like Sunday. As people have already said a pat on the back when its deserved, I think you all should have a pat on the back, getting out there, having fun, doing what we all love doing...... shooting. I'm really looking forward to getting out with you guys and trying to get round in a half decent score, well done all especially Ste! ATB, Andy
  23. Not a bad thing I guess, security can't be taken too lightly!  ATB, Andy
  24. Not a bad thing I guess, security can't be taken too lightly!  ATB, Andy
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