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Everything posted by andyz

  1. They're a good idea especially for longer distances etc. I've always found with airgunning that the expected range and shoot type didn't outweigh the hassle of carting the sticks around. Another option is to just practice, practice and practice a bit more the standing shoot. There are a lot of aspect that go into standing shots (or any shots) that once put together make the accuracy a lot more consistent. Also you have all the fun a bit of plinking offers. ATB, Andy
  2. Damn looks like I missed it!!! Any clues??? Andy
  3. Spot on shooting and filming there Rookie (that names a bit of a joke isn't it?) As always very enjoyable to watch, keep um coming! ATB, Andy
  4. Very good shooting and watching, no preference from me just enjoying..... Keep up the good shooting both types!! ATB, andy
  5. Very well done Davy, it's already been said, we all had a fantastic time. I even completely forgot about the charity!!! Both you and Chaz make us all proud....... roll on the next one!! ATB, ANdy
  6. Nice one Gary, some very good scores there on at times quite a challenging course. Anyone scoring 47 and over must be the bees knees..... ATB, Andy
  7. A couple more pics off the phone...... Somehow this last presentation seemed to be missed....... Hope you enjoyed!!
  8. What a cracking weekend, firstly like to thank Davy and Chaz for another well organised meet. Without these guys' efforts the whole thing wouldn't ever happen!! :clapper: The photos tell the story, I think I can speak for everyone when I say it was a fantastic weekend with plenty of shooting, beer, banter and fun. Well done everyone for making the meet as successful as it already is. :clapper: Great photos Darryl (as always), it is really appreciated the fact that you personnally make the effort to capture the action, many thanks bud. ATB, already looking forward to the next
  9. Very nice, how much you talking for an N550?? Really clear and a fantastic shot.... love it!!
  10. Lucky, lucky, lucky got room for one more????
  11. Very nice arsenal you have there Si, I'm going to sell my MK4 and hopefully pick up a HW100, just gotta get my arse in gear and put it up for sale!! The long range shots don't surprise me with the hunting skills of you three; Davy, Andy and yourself are all cracking marksmen. Take it easy buddy and as always enjoy your shooting. ATB, Andy
  12. Nice but how come you got my number plate on the back screen??!?!?! ATB, Andy
  13. Yippee, gonna be a good one..... it will be good to see all you ugly buggers again!!!
  14. I feed my dog raw diet, Chicken carcus and green tripe! The fussy bugger turned his nose up at rabbit and I even mixed a bit of raw pheasent with his carcus once. He ate the carcus and left the pheasent, that was the last time he had that!!!
  15. Very nice video footage EF. I especially like the stock on you 410, liminate I presume?? Keep up the happy hunting, ATB, Andy
  16. Getting closer and closer...... :thumbs:
  17. Nice shooting there, I do enjoy watching the slow mo.... Nice footage. ATB, Andy
  18. Nice pickings there buddy, looks like you have a good permission there! Keep up the good work!! ATB, Andy
  19. Cracking shooting there lads, it is grea when it all comes together. Keep up the good work. ATB, Andy
  20. Nice one Si, sounds like you both had a cracking day as always and I can vouch for Adele's cooking, top nosh!! Good seeing you over the weekend, I really had a great time. All the best for Canada, hopefuly see you again in July. Take care buddy. ATB, Andy
  21. Just been down there for the morning, already a cracking set up! Can't wait to get back there in the morning!!! Well done guys
  22. Me too GRUB UP!!list Davy FE Chaz FE Sue Vinning FE Owen Vinning FE Phantom FE Si FE Laura FE festa FE shannon FE Andyz FE
  23. Very nice Si, bet you're pretty chuffed with it. I'm very tempted to have a go on mine, hmmmmmm ATB, Andy
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