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Everything posted by andyz

  1. great write up Buster, looks like you're hitting just the spot.... Well done bud..
  2. Tip top, cracking video...... you guys have come on a long way since the first few you put together!!! The editing and footage are both very professional. I really enjoy watching them and the quality of both your marksmanships. You shoot at the distances you do because as rightly said you both have a combined experience of nearly 50 years and are more than capable of it! This is proven time and time again..... Keep up the cracking work, and I agree with Mawders the tutorial at the end was very interesting. Well worth including in my opinion! Hopefully rather than encouraging le
  3. So is the A&M 'Marksman' silencer anything to do with Darryl aka 'Marksman'??
  4. It's generally advisable to gauge what your gun's pressure is from the filling bottle rather than the gauge on the gun as they tend to be more accurate. ATB, Andy
  5. I have one on my KT and I honestly wouldn't be without now, what a difference! As Darryl said lifetime warrenty, you can't even buy those anymore!!! If you're coming to Octobers meet I'll be there with mine and I expect a few others will too, you'll be more than welcome to try!! ATB, Andy
  6. Hey Si all I can say is 'talk is cheap...' I'm sure we'll sort the men from the boys on the day LOL Just make sure you look after the Ultra, don't want any excuses haha
  7. I tried this method as it looked pretty easy....... what can I say!??!!? Friggin hard work is all I can say! Well I personally couldn't do it mind you it was an old buck, actually even the guys I was out hunting with couldn't either (you know who you are...) I think I'll be sticking to the knife and flick method! ATB, Andy
  8. Davy Skull = YES Guns = YES Pellet Hole = YES Sign me up for a hoodie, it will look cool as feck..... ATB Andy
  9. WHOOP WHOOP Can't wait lads, well done Davy and Chaz for taking the time to sort something (again) for us all to meet up and play........ :thumbs: Only 97 days..... LOL ATB Andy
  10. hey Daz 10" eh........ sounds like you're compensating for something??? lol
  11. Very nice you lucky bugger..... always good to have a bit of a recki before hand! Keep us informed. ATB, Andy
  12. Well what can I say CP88 CP88 (Polly want a cracker).... LOL. I took me ages to practice my VERY manly voice to sound like that!!! LOL What a fantastic weekend, I can speak for everyone when I say we have a fantastic time! It was really good to see all ages having a go and even better to see the kids hitting what they were aiming for. Many thanks for Davy and Charlie for yet again organising another great weekend, if it wasn't for these two guys how often would we be meeting up? I for one wouldn't have made the friendships I have without attending these meets.... Si mega thanks
  13. Well I'll definately be there, unfortunately Andy (the boyfriend) has dropped out so may have to bring the little lady instead!!! What time Friday you getting started Davy?? I'm able to still till Sunday morning then Family duties (easter and all) start calling!! Can't wait..... So who's gonna bring their camera if Darryl can't make it???
  14. Very nice Phil, very nice indeed.....
  15. Great review Davy, very thorough!! Just one question you've mentioned the shot count, is that amount of shots you get if you fill to 170/160 down to 115/110 (useable shots) or if you fill past your sweet spot 190 and shoot down to empty? Cheers bud, ATB, Andy
  16. Hi Jasp, I had the same work as Base Jumper done on my MK4, and Adi did infact shorted the shroud past the barrel and then threaded the barrel. I think the idea was to get it as short as possible without shortening the barrel at all. Also threading the barrel directly reduces the risk of miss-alignment with the barrel when using adaptors etc. BTW two lovely rifles there. ATB, Andy
  17. Welcome back Roger, looking forward to all your hunting stories!
  18. Very good Davy, you're gonna have to get a bigger bag to fit all that geat in!! Nade, just a little squeek or kiss (like you're sucking up a really thin straw) should make um pay attention a bit!! I have heard some people doing this and thought they were blowing kisses to the rabbits!
  19. Spot on Elmar, easy watching as always buddy. I just also watched you vid with regard to your mount system, oftern the simplest solutions are the best. Well done!! ATB, Andy
  20. Just checked out the photos, some great shooting there! Nandos was especially nice, you've started a precedence now!!!! ATB, Andy
  21. Nice write up Davy, thanks for being a great host. I'm looking forward to the next outing!!!! ATB, Andy
  22. Very interesting apparently the speed of sounds is 1126ft per second at sea level, this means that your quary would only have around 0.012 seconds to hear the shot and move! I'm just thinking about the youtube vidoes showing the crows ducking the pellet etc. Saying that my sums are probably completely wrong.... lol Anyhow shame they aren't accurate! ATB, Andy
  23. Nice, I can't see the pics but the read was good. Well done for persevering bud. ATB, Andy
  24. Well done Daz buddy, nice bit of shooting there! I'm sure that ivy's gonna claim a lot more than the 3..... Keep up the footage bud, looking forward to seeing more! ATB, Andy
  25. Well done lads, you biys are getting better and better. Something to remember is that none of these lads have shot any of the courses on the SHS2012. I think it is a testament to the skills you guys have aquired... Keep the updates coming in Davy. ATB, Andy
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