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Everything posted by andyz

  1. Nice write up there mate, bet that outing cured the hangover...... Let us know how you get on with the crows. ATB, Andy
  2. Who would have thought such fine imaginary would be found in a 'wanted' ad!!!! Darryl really liked what you did with your last project, looking forward to seeing the before and after of your next! ATB Andy
  3. Totally out of order, as Shay said "if youi can't shoot then don't shoot"
  4. Well done chaps, thats what the weekends are made for! Really good read especially with the photos, Davy did you use your new knife for the gutting, if so how did it perform? Keep up the good work, happy hunting! AB, Andy
  5. Very nice looking knifes you both have there, it's always nice getting something made especially for you! Now to put it to good use! Andy
  6. Lovely gun, not ot one myslef but have had a good look at them! Sweet bolt action and very accurate in the right hands! Haven't heard many things about it in .177, I think they released it only in .22 first. Be interesting to hear opinions on this. ATB, Andy
  7. Fantastic Very nice to see a big bag like that, sounds like you guys had a great evenings shooting! Very looking forward to the next write up! Regards Andy
  8. Darryl, fantastic job on the rifle, I cant believe you turned it round so fast! Reaing this thread is quite inspirational, well done buddy. ATB, Andy
  9. Thanks for all your replies! Decided to go for the JSR Guntuff one, Ordered it online 12:30 yesterday lunchtime and it was delivered first thing this morning, well chuffed. Took it out with the dog this afternoon, just to see how far out my distances actually were, well thats another story........ Cheers, Andy
  10. Must say it was a good day out, nice to get together with Davy and chaz again. As Davy said it's a great little range to test zero and the chaps in the shop are nice blokes as well! Good shooting buddy! Andy
  11. Another way to resize your pics, for example if you want to email them without uploading them etc. You need a PC running some variant of Windows. Double click the photo, this should open the photo in Windows Picture and Fax Viewer. Press the Control key and 'E' together, this will open the photo in MS Paint. Press the Control key and 'W' together, this will open 'Stretch and Skew'. To reduce the photo reduce the Horizontal and Vertical percentages in the Stretch section EG 50 and 50. Select 'File' and 'Save As', name your new file (this will also keep the original)! This will redu
  12. I have a HW77K, a little old and a bit on the heavy side in comparision to some others mentioned but very nice riffle and easy to shoot! As mentioned the weight actually helps with the recoil and holding zero. Best thing is to try and many as you're able to a decide whats best for you! Keep us informed. ATB, Andy
  13. That would be great buddy, defintely still up for Thursday, I'll give you a call early this evening if convenient to sort times etc! Cheers, Andy
  14. Cheers Lex, I know exactly what you mean, I imagine the most basic one would be fine for my needs assuming it was accurate. The more expensive ones would probably have better optics and probably a better magnification, but is it worth the extra? £60 posted sounds like a right bargin (thanks for the pic), I presume you're happy with its performance? ATB, Andy
  15. Darryl, thanks for posting that. Alot of people are aware of the kill zone on a bunny but as already mentioned it certainly puts it into perspective. Nice one. Andy
  16. Evening all, just as the subject says I am currently looking to pick myself up a rangefinder and thought who better to ask than the chaps who use them frequently. Now, looking around the cheapest I've found is about £85ish (Guntuff) going right up to around £600 (Leica)... Are the more expensive ones worth the money, bearing in mind I only shoot legal limit air rifle? What do you guys use, what would you recommend? Any thoughts\comments would be greatly received. Cheers, Andy
  17. Hi Alex, good shooting and lovely pics. It's really nice to come back with something, especially when the weather isn't the best! Happy hunting, ATB, Andy
  18. Davy I completely agree with you and your comments. As you know I have recently experienced a pretty awful experience with 'a local' gun shop and definately won't be recommending or buying from there again unless I can help it! Due to this I have been looking around at the local gun shops and too have drawn the conclusion that http://www.glosguncompany.co.uk/ is pretty much the best around, although I haven't yet shopped from there. A couple of other things to mention is that they have an on-site gun smith and something I thought quite nice; they have taken the time to post vids on
  19. Yeah Thursday will be no problem, where theres a will theres a way!! Could be John Wayne the way I'm walking, as long as i's not john Wayne Bobbitt..... ouch.
  20. Hello buddy, off work until Friday at the moment, just had the snip..... :wacko: so taking a couple of days off work!!! How do you fancy getting down the range maybe Thursday afternoon?? Andy
  21. Davy, what can I say ....... Lovely bag from both you and chaz, great write up as always. Just gonna take a look at the vids now, kepp up the excellent work. ATB, Andy
  22. Cracking shot Aaron, very nice to see you're thinking about your shooting!!! Keep up the good hunting. Andy
  23. andyz

    tree rats

    Nice shooting Gary, what sor tof distance were the little beggars?? Andy
  24. Welcome to THL, think you're gonna like it here...... ATB, Andy
  25. Good shooting Gary, always nice to get a mixed bag. Looks like you're getting a nice running total so far this year! ATB, Andy
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