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30 Good

About andyz

  • Rank
    Mega Hunter
  • Birthday 01/07/1974

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  1. Yom yom, please add me down for steak too. I'll be down Saturday and Sunday!! Yippee Hope it's not too late!! See you all soon, Cheers Andy
  2. Just buy your mrs something to the same value and she can't complain. What buy yourself something else to the same value and take her for a curry.... lol
  3. Here here to all the above.... ATVB, Andy
  4. Yes I agree, the 77 looks great, a lot better than mine... lol Very nice indeed.
  5. List of attendees below please add a (Y) next to your name if you can make the whole weekend Si Pittaway (Y) Rob Hampton. ​(Y) Possible 1 extra with Rob (Y) Nigel Gosling Sunday only cant get Saturday off work Aaron Friend. (Y) Gary Friend. (Y) Mac (Y) Little Hunter (Y) Darryl (Y) Wurz (John) (Y) Davyt63 (Y) Chaz (Y) Phil Jones (Y) Helen Pianoman Gary-Festa (Y) Phil Gibbs (Y) AndyFR (Y) Roger (Y) KGB Mark - Sunday only Steve Watson (Y) Daz7 (Morgan)(Y) R10 Rob (Lawson)(Y) AndyZ (Andy)(Y)
  6. Hi BT, I'm pretty sure the HW101 is a single shot rifle rather than a multi shot. More than likely aimed to competition shooters etc ATB, Andy
  7. It is bloody annoying, but I think you made the right decision. Let us know how you get on with the old bill.
  8. Well done Davy yet again.... You're all right, top bloke!! As long as you tell him when he should be standing.... ATB, Andy
  9. Very very interesting, many thanks for this. Should be placed on the other sections, it really could save a life sometime! Many thanks Andy
  10. Nice review Gary, cracking radios. I have the exact same model although I haven't used the headset with them yet! Well done chaps. ATB, Andy
  11. That does look really nice, silencer and shroud match the rifle spot on!! You've abviously been a very good boy....... Catch you at the next comp. ATB, Andy
  12. I was going to say try metric or imperial, which ever is the oppersite to what you're actually using!! Patience is a virtue.......
  13. Very nice, I havn't ever fired a shotty or anything else apart from air, but I get the feeling I'd love it, I love all shooting and if I had the perms would definately like to own different tools of the trade...... Let us know how you get on with the SGC application/process! Andy
  14. Oh no it can't be as it's still on my rifle....... Everyone is right, John is a cracking bloke that can have a laugh witht he best!!! Catch you soon buddy!! ATB Andy
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