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Everything posted by rizla1

  1. good job mate nice to let the lurchers have a go
  2. hes a nice strong looking dog, hope he comes good for you
  3. by the looks on it id say you put some kind of food onto the spikes and turn it but what type of food
  4. well done chaps sounds like a good couple of days you had
  5. nice vidios and well done to the ladies getting involved
  6. nice one mate lets hope he gets many more
  7. nice bunch of terriers mate
  8. well done mate and nice photo, like the one with the fox up the tube
  9. nice one glad you got her back looks a cracking little dog
  10. shall keep eye out down my way to
  11. rizla1


    me and 40 guests now
  12. rizla1


    im sure the antis are on all hunting sites looking for ammo to use against us, just use your head on what your posting and they got nout on us
  13. well done mate, always werth a trip out never know what you come across
  14. allways worth a go mate you never know what may get up infront of you
  15. glad i could be of some help after all thats what this forum suposed to be about in it helping each other out
  16. like i said you got to know your dog it is dificalt starting off with just one dog, if the dog wants in then in he goes, but if your dog shows no interest in an earth its inposible to know if theres anything at home, thats when an experianced dog comes in, so your best bet is to find someone to take you out with them,
  17. think most lads keep dogs on lead when out checking earths, i do because you know then where your dog is going it cant go off on a scent and go to ground without you seeing it, plus once your dog gives you the nod thats somethings at home each dog is diferant at this you gotta know and trust your own dog, and then you got time to net up and look about for bolt holes or place guns out acording then let the dog loose and sit back and have a smoke and let the dog do is stuff,
  18. nice pups mate what welsh bloodlines they got
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