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Everything posted by rizla1

  1. sorry to here that mate, hope you catch the little shit who stole them
  2. your gun, woulnt shoot nout with a dog
  3. good going chaps, some nice dogs you got ther
  4. thats what you call a haircut bet he can run faster now
  5. good job lads hopping to get out myself in morning,
  6. very good form of exercise exspesially for running dogs,hardens the feet up for running.
  7. sorry to here that mate, not nice looseing one
  8. good job mate, one less to worrie about
  9. get the flocked coated ones they are little more exspensive than the plastic coated ones but look better, they can be very afective in the right places
  10. watched it few years ago, very funny film
  11. job done mate, nice looking terriers
  12. im size 9s and am looking for a good pair of boots
  13. well done mate,whats the dog you used looks like a russel
  14. hes a little cracker it seems these plumer terriers make good ratting dogs
  15. well done mate, tryed the rabbit and crow decoy myself and it did bring a few in not big bags but still fun
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