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Everything posted by rizla1

  1. sounds like your piston seals gone, strip it down and check it
  2. if you dug to them many times why have they not made the grade
  3. good on you rolfe 2 less pests about
  4. rizla1


    nice one mate hope your having a few to celebrate
  5. nice to see plenty of suport
  6. iv also used wd40 on my guns for years without any problems, i just spray an old rag and wipe them over before putting them in the cabinet
  7. im not fussy i like all chocolate
  8. thats good to hear chaps, im off to the rookery on sunday to check them out
  9. nice dogs mate, hows the trainee coming along
  10. nice one mate, they all gotta start somewhere
  11. well done mate ther be plenty more if you stick at it
  12. i used to have a 22 and 177 cal, very good guns and if you put a good spring in it will go well over the 12 fp
  13. you got a bargin ther mate,and a good gun,
  14. good news, glad you got them back hope those resposible get what they deserve
  15. have a look at trapper123 post he got nets for sale and he lives up your way
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