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Everything posted by rizla1

  1. nice one hoping to get out myself on weekend, farmer says he cutting this week
  2. i'll let them go for 20 plus 5p+p
  3. was hopping for bit more that that
  4. burgundy fell boots size 9, new never been worn box is bit tatty £25 + £5p+p
  5. sounds like your getting closer mate, soon have them back
  6. treocy rhondda im not far from you i keep eye out
  7. wich part of wales they go missing from mate
  8. nice mate, them last 2 photos will look good in a frame
  9. do you have to pay to go into the show,,,, £10 each for adults
  10. dont know wether to go or not now, dont mind walking around in the mud its just getting the car in and out the field to park
  11. just been reading on another forum and its not looking to good up ther, it said that everyone is 'up to their knees' in mud, and a lot of the traders are packing up and heading for home. He also said that even 4x4 vehicles are waiting to be towed out by tractors.
  12. its pretty much the same on both days exsept for the t&l show
  13. you can take dogs anyday its just the show is on the sunday, if your looking to get a terrier pup you wont see them advertised up ther its all ush ush
  14. dont think your aloud to sell dogs ther mate,and the terrier and lurcher show is on the sunday
  15. weather not to bad now, so i be ther sunday http://www.metoffice.gov.uk/weather/uk/wl/carmarthen_forecast_weather.html
  16. have a look on the basc web site might find what your looking for ther
  17. no prob, she be at the welsh game fair
  18. have for sale this jack russell picture, its 10"x8" and signed by jane robinson, £20 posted heres her web site http://www.janesanimalportraits.co.uk/
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