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Everything posted by rizla1

  1. looks a nice gun mate, you been doing any decoying lately
  2. nice when the work you put into a dog comes good mate, shes looking really well whats that gun your using now.
  3. Sounds like you had a cracking day and good bag
  4. nice dog you got ther hh cant say the same about you, youve aged since i seen you last
  5. is that the twine they wrap the joints of meat up with
  6. Just wait for my order now crack on with making a few then, i still got the 1 inch rings and draw cord from before
  7. Ye i got a few fox nets that I made some years ago from 12oz nylon apart from the odd hole that I patched up they still ok
  8. Whats it like for rotting if left wet like the hemp nets
  9. Good luck finding the dog and who's responsible for taking him
  10. The spun poly is way better. The 4z nets seen to get in a tangle before you get them out of the bag. ye thats it mate and murder when ferreting hedges
  11. ye hope so mate, thats why i asked first wernt sure what to get for the best
  12. i had it from the place you said about, agouti nets ordered a spool of 500g spun poly
  13. i used the 4oz nets before ended up throwing them away, doing my head in tangling all time, hope the new stuff i just ordered be bit better,
  14. shall have look on there, thanks for the replys
  15. was thinking of somthing like this http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/181276159451?ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:IT&_trksid=p3984.m1423.l2649
  16. whats the best twine to get to make some rabbit purse nets, been looking about for some and there seems to be lots of differant types,
  17. Simple, Never ever put two dogs to ground at the same time. The last thing your terrier wants is another dog eather chewing is Ass or pushing him into the sharp end.
  18. good news on the bitch mate, hope you find the dog soon
  19. Anyone got an spare hood for a Barbour beaufort going cheap
  20. try keens in aberkenfig not to far from you
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