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About dvdskv

  • Rank
    Born Hunter
  • Birthday 06/09/1982

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  • Location
    north east
  • Interests
    lamping,fishing,football,LAGER ND MORE LAGER

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  1. About 45 miles north of me, the family have got a caravan about 10 miles from there so in that area regular. Although i dont hunt that area the countryside is beautiful and looks really promising and ive heard good reports in the past up that way. Parked at ford castle and walked along the river till which seemed to be lively with fish. Holy island is also close by for wildfowlers,hope this was of some help
  2. Nothing here mate. Far best stay where you are . only joking
  3. My uncles dog never came into season till around 7. Got her lined, had pups and never came in again
  4. I was gonna call my last bitch Lyla until the missus said it was rubbish, but I still like it though
  5. 1 more,think I need to get the camera out more, again not a recent 1. She's not in the good books at the moment with the missus cos she keeps pinching the decorations off the tree,
  6. Here's one of Belle's mother Birddog, hope your well mate.
  7. Alright, thats right her grandmother was a real fussy eater turn her nose up at allsorts chicken,fish you name it. My bitch (Belle's sister) is pretty much the same turn her nose up at good grub then go and scran some leftover crusts or crisps off the kids. But their brother my grannys dog you cannot fill it and it eats anything, it even pinched some boiled beetroot and eat the lot. Hope your well Birddog
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